6 Myths About Joint Pain Debunked

Dr. Chad Walding, Doctor of Physical Therapy, here with some incredible news.
Because if you're worried about your achy, inflamed joints…
Or your “bone-on-bone” damage…
Or the nagging pain in your knees, lower back or hips…
You’ll want to read the following article very carefully.
Because the truth is, there’s a lot you can do to build healthy, mobile joints…
Restore lost cartilage…
And even prevent bone-on-bone pain while reducing fracture risk.
First, let’s get our facts straight…
Myth #1: Exercise is bad for people with joint pain. FALSE!
This is perhaps one of the most dangerous myths surrounding joint health, which is why I want to address it first. Have you ever heard the phrase… “When you stop moving, you start dying.” Well, as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I’m here to tell you that this couldn’t be more true. Movement is essential for a long, vibrant, pain-free life. And regular exercise is absolutely mission critical for maintaining joint health and flexibility. Now, not all forms of exercise are created equal. While high impact exercises like running and jumping might not be appropriate with folks with severe joint pain, there are plenty of forms of exercise that can actually help alleviate pain. Joint stiffness typically eases with stretching, and walking is almost always a good thing. As well as gently stretching the tissues of the joint that might otherwise atrophy, activity stimulates blood flow. Low-impact activities like swimming, brisk walks, or cycling can also help strengthen the muscles around your joints, lessen pain, and improve overall function.
Myth #2: Over-the-counter pain medications can improve joint pain. FALSE!
Over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or naproxen sodium (Aleve) can help temporarily relieve occasional pain.
The key word here is temporary.
While these medications can provide temporary relief, they do not address the root cause of joint degeneration. Therefore they do not improve painful joints – they only mask the pain and inflammation symptoms for a short period of time.
And with more Americans experiencing chronic pain than ever before, it’s no surprise that the pain medication use is growing exponentially.
While these medications are considered to be relatively safe, no medication is completely free of side effects. Furthermore, OTC pain medications are often overused – which can exacerbate side effects and lead to chronic health problems. In fact, research shows using certain OTC medications can cause blood clotting, potentially putting you at a higher risk for heart problems and stroke if you use more than directed for longer than directed. As a doctor of Physical Therapy, this is where so many folks get it wrong. Masking symptoms is not an effective long-term solution for joint health. But I don’t blame you – most physicians are quick to prescribe pain meds or recommend OTC drugs rather than provide natural solutions to rebuilding healthy, pain-free joints. Lucky you, you’re about to discover how thousands of older adults are doing just that – without the need to rely on medications.
Myth #3: Losing weight won't make a difference in joint pain. FALSE!
You might not realize how much excess weight can worsen joint pain symptoms. Carrying extra pounds strains weight-bearing joints, such as your knees, hips, and lower back.
Normal Joint Force
Joint with increased pressure due to being overweight
Research shows that even a small amount of weight loss can lead to a noticeable reduction in joint pain.
In fact, losing just 10 pounds can ease 15 to 50 pounds of pressure from your lower joints*.
So, adopting a balanced diet and exercising regularly can significantly relieve your pain and discomfort.
The most important habit to adopt in terms of supporting weight loss and metabolic function is having a protein-rich breakfast.
Protein not only satiates your appetite and supports healthy blood sugar – both of which are incredibly important for maintaining a healthy weight…
But protein is also mission critical for the maintenance of muscle, ligament and joint health with older age.
In fact, there’s one unique protein that’s even been shown to help rebuild joints, cartilage and bones – no matter how much wear and tear you have.
I’ll cover the groundbreaking research later in this article.
Myth #4: Men are more likely to get joint pain than women. FALSE!
Joint pain occurs in the body where two bones meet, and is caused by the erosion or wear of cartilage.
In general, women have looser ligaments. From the time that they are young, they go through monthly hormonal changes, which leads to their joints being more relaxed.
The surrounding joint tissues, including ligaments and muscles, may not be as resilient.
Due to the nature of their ligaments, women may present with symptoms of joint problems earlier in life than men do, which can translate to even more severe degenerative conditions down the road – if nothing is done to stop it.
Despite this, it’s crucial for all adults over the age of 50 to take steps to reinforce joint health – and even more so for older women who may be at a physiological disadvantage.
Percentage of adults with joint pain by gender 40% 36% 30% 27.3% Percentage of adults 20% 10% 0% Men Women
Myth #5: Once you’re bone on bone, you can’t reverse it. FALSE!
If you suffer with chronic joint pain for years, there’s a good chance your physician has referred to your condition as “bone on bone”. But what does being “bone on bone” really mean?
HEALTHY JOINT BONE ON BONE JOINT Cartilage Exposed bone Cartilage to begin breaking down Eroding meniscus Bone spurs
Bone on bone is a reference to the increased severity of OA (osteoarthritis) in a joint.
Osteoarthritis is the presence of inflammation of bones in a joint due to a reduction of cartilage.
In a healthy joint, cartilage aids in the congruence of movement of the joint between the two bones.
Thus if someone has a joint which is “bone on bone” it suggests the amount of cartilage on the bones in the joint is reduced and inflammation present.
But being bone on bone isn’t GAME OVER for your joints.
And while surgery can be a daunting prospect for many, there are natural ways to manage your pain and support healthy joints.
For starters, simply stretching or taking a 10-20 minute walk each day is an effective way to build and maintain strong muscles and ligaments. Doing so can keep joints mobile and help solve instabilities within the joint that may occur due to cartilage loss.
Aside from low-impact movement, there is another breakthrough approach to supporting joint health into older age – and the research shows that it works no matter how far gone your bone on bone condition is.
In fact, one study showed that this supernutrient increased the density of knee cartilage among individuals after just 24 weeks*.
That’s a miraculous discovery for folks with degenerative joint conditions, as this evidence suggests that regenerating cartilage is not only possible – but hundreds of folks are experiencing the clinical results, and it’s changing their lives.
I’ll reveal the MRI scans that prove cartilage regeneration is possible later in this article.
Myth #6: The only surefire way to fix joint pain for good is to get surgery. FALSE!
This can’t be more wrong.
Big Pharma would like you to believe that the only way to deal with bad joints is to take medications, shots or get surgery – but this couldn’t be further from the truth.
In fact…
Approximately 2% to 5% of patients have complications from joint replacement procedures.
Some of these complications, such as heart attacks, strokes, and respiratory issues, result from anesthesia given during these procedures.
Other complications, including infections, fractures, implant failure or loosening, and unexplained pain that develops during healing, result from the procedure itself.
Unfortunately, this can lead to needing multiple surgeries – ultimately, keeping you trapped in a downward pain spiral.
Case and point:
In today's healthcare system many doctors, drug companies, and insurers would like to make you believe there is nothing you can do to correct joint problems outside of drugs and surgery – when in fact this deceitful practice is nothing more than a ploy to fatten their pockets.
Even worse…
The “solutions” Big Pharma offers don’t even address the root cause of joint pain…
Pain medications, OTC or prescription, only provide temporary relief and come with a high risk of dependency and other side effects.
There's even concern that repeated cortisone shots might damage the cartilage within a joint.
Joint replacement surgeries come with complication risks which ultimately lead to the need to have more invasive procedures.
But, there is good news…
By actually addressing the true cause of joint health and making the natural lifestyle changes required to reverse it, research now proves that it is possible to build stronger joints at any age.
The natural way to support healthy joints combines nutrition, daily activity and fall prevention.
Next comes eliminating the lifestyle factors that compromise joint health, such as inactivity.
Finally, eating more foods that contain joint-building nutrients – which can help you decrease joint pain and regain strong, mobile joint structures quickly.
In a nutshell it’s lifestyle modification.
Bottom Line: Having Joint Pain Is Not A Death Sentence To Your Mobility Or Your Freedom – You Can Do Something About It.
And when it comes to lifestyle modifications, nothing has been proven to be more miraculous than making this one simple dietary change…
According to new research, there is one breakthrough nutrient that researchers believe has the greatest potential for rebuilding joints and supporting healthy bones.
Imagine it…
Your joints could become so strong and pain-free that you won’t have to worry about getting that knee surgery…
Your body feels young again, and you are bouncing around like you did in your 20s...
A Protein So Unimaginably Effective… Eating MORE of it Could Decrease Joint Pain By 38%... and Even Regrow Cartilage in a Matter of Months
Imagine undoing years (or even decades) of joint wear and tear…
All by adding one specific type of protein in your diet…
Groundbreaking research from the National Library of Medicine shows just how powerful it is at doing just that.
I'll share the breathtaking specifics in a moment.
Picture in a few weeks…
Leaping out of bed with joints that feel so young and cushioned, you'd swear they're BRAND-NEW...
Opening jars...
Picking up tricky packages...
Even hopping in and out of your car with ease...
Getting up and down stairs without having to brace yourself…
Not needing to take pain pills just to make it through the day…
Or rely on injections to feel a brief bout of relief before the pain comes crashing back in…
Imagine canceling that surgery you thought you had to have…
And returning to hours of gardening, dancing, and YES–even playing golf, pickleball or tennis again without "paying for it later"... Or worse, accidently fracturing a bone.
Best of all…
It’s Completely Natural and Safe… And Based On Study Participant Results, Has Zero Side Effects. And Today, it Could Be Yours.
If you're as health-conscious as I think you are, you’ve probably already heard about this protein before.
Because whether you suffer from joint-deteriorating conditions…
Severe pain in your knees, back, hips, or wrists…
Bone loss conditions…
Even sagging skin or thinning hair…
You probably have already read the research and rave reviews about how one special type of protein can help…
It’s collagen.
But not just any ordinary type of collagen (I’ll get to that in just a minute).
Studies show that many age-related health issues are directly linked to not having enough of this protein in your body.
Unfortunately, the body’s own production of collagen increasingly declines with age.
This is referred to as a “collagen deficiency”.
In fact, by the time you hit "middle age”, your body could be producing less than half the collagen it did in your youth.
And the bad news is… If you’re over 50, the severity of your collagen deficit only gets worse with each passing year… Unless you do something about it.
Beginning age of 20, the levels of collagen in our body starts to decline. 100% By the age of 30, collagen in our skin declines dramatically 80% Amount of Collagen 60% 40% Beginning age of 20, the levels of collagen in our body starts to decline. 20% By the age of 30, collagen in our skin declines dramatically 0% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Age
Replenishing Collagen Just Makes Sense. And The Older You Get, The More Sense It Makes.
Now, this isn't news for someone as health-conscious as you. But, what you might not know is that supplementing with the right type and proper amount of collagen can produce noticeable results in as little as a few weeks… This is where most people get it wrong… The source and the dose make ALL the difference. I know it sounds far-fetched...
Yet The Scientific Literature Is Irrefutable… When You Add The Right Type And Proper Amount Of Collagen Back Into Your Diet, Your Body Can “Mend” Itself…
The research is unlike anything I've ever seen:
One study showed improvements in knee cartilage density among individuals taking a special form of collagen after just 24 weeks*
Another study from the National Library of Medicine, postmenopausal women showed a 4.2% higher bone mineral density in the spine and a 7% higher bone mineral density in the neck*.
Collagen supplementation was also associated with a favorable shift in bone markers, indicating increased bone formation and reduced bone degradation*.
A separate meta-analysis from 2018 showed collagen to be effective in improving joint pain symptoms including stiffness and mobility*.
A study from a Joint Degeneration and Cartilage Journal assessed subjects suffering from knee and hip-joint pain and found a 38% reduction in joint pain after just 12 weeks*.
A study published in June 2016 in the Eurasian Journal of Medicine found that patients with knee pain who took collagen reduced joint pain during walking and had quality of life superior to those on the medication alone*.
One recent study of 53 elderly adults with sarcopenia, a loss of muscle caused by aging, found that those who took 15 grams of collagen daily for 3 months gained significantly more lean muscle and lost more fat than those who did not take collagen*.
This evidence suggests that collagen can help rebuild weak cartilage, reduce joint pain and reduce muscle loss in seniors in 3 months or less – without the need of medications, injections or surgeries.
These findings also suggest that taking collagen supplements long-term may help increase bone mineral density in postmenopausal women, who are at a greater risk of developing more severe bone loss.
That's just a glimpse of how extraordinary collagen protein is.
And understand this doesn't just work for study participants in state-of-the-art laboratories...
Thousands Of Real World People Like You Consider Collagen Their Secret Weapon Against Aging – And Now, It’s Your Turn.
Their results are absolutely out of this world, take a look: