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7 Best Quad Exercises for Boosting Leg Strength & Size

Leg day. Either you love it, or you hate it. Not many people fall somewhere in between. No matter how you feel about working your quadriceps, if you’re going to put in the effort, you want results. 

Here are some of the best quad exercises for improving strength and muscle size. But first, it’s important to understand what the quadriceps are and the benefits of showing up for leg day—even if you’d rather not.

Quad Muscle Anatomy & Function

The quads are located in the lower body, in front of the upper leg. When sitting, if you rest your hands on your lap, you are resting them on your quadriceps.

We often talk about the quadriceps muscle as if it were singular or only one. However, the quads are a muscle group. The five muscles that make up the front of the leg are the:

  • rectus femoris – runs from the hip and pelvis (it has two heads) to the knee

  • vastus intermedius – sits under the rectus femoris

  • vastus lateralis – the outer quad muscle; the biggest and strongest of all the thigh muscles

  • vastus medialis – the inner quad muscle; the smallest of the five muscles

  • tensor of the vastus intermedius – located between the vastus lateralis and medialis

The function of the quadriceps is to aid in leg and knee extension. This makes it possible to perform lower body movements such as walking, climbing stairs, kicking, and jumping. 

Benefits of Building Quad Strength

There are several reasons to build strong quads. Some people want to create legs that are more taut and toned. They want to feel more comfortable in their swimsuit, for instance. Or they don’t like it when their thighs jiggle as they walk, so they exercise to firm them up. 

Others make leg day a priority because they want to boost their quad size. Bodybuilders benefit from greater muscle mass in the quadriceps. So do athletes playing certain sports, such as those engaged in football, wrestling, and hockey.

Some research has connected reduced quad strength with a higher risk of knee pain. Building the quads can also be helpful when rehabbing from a knee injury.  But there’s an even more powerful reason to boost strength in the quads. And this one could be a matter of life or death.

A study in the American Journal of Medicine found a connection between quadriceps strength and death from coronary artery disease (CAD). Specifically, as quad strength increased, the mortality risk in people with CAD decreased. This was true for death associated with the disease and for other causes of mortality too.

Signs of Weak Squads

If it’s hard to squat down and stand back up, this is a sign of weak quadriceps muscles. So too is difficulty climbing stairs, bicycling, or walking uphill. You can also check quad strength with one simple exercise: a lying leg raise.

To test your client’s quad strength, have them lie on their back. Next, ask them to bend their right knee while leaving their left leg straight. Tell them to lift their left leg until the knees are about the same height. If they have trouble doing this without the knee bending or leg shaking, this suggests that their quads may be weak. Building muscle can help correct quad weakness.

7 Best Quad Exercises for Increasing Leg Strength & Muscle Mass

It can be frustrating to do quadricep exercises and not see the desired results. But some movements are more effective than others. Here are seven of the best quad exercises for building muscle size and strength.

#1: Squat 

The squat is one of the most effective quad exercises. And this move can be done anywhere, both with and without equipment. That makes it an option for both gym and home exercisers.

The main thing to remember when doing a squat is to use proper form. This involves keeping the back straight and driving the hips back when lowering down. The feet are shoulder-width apart. Good form also requires not allowing the knees to extend past the toes. This helps protect the knee joint.

The squat can also be modified. This enables the exerciser to work the quads in different ways. It also adds variety to the workout, keeping it from getting stale.

Squat variations to consider include:

  • Split squat. A split squat is a squat performed while staggering the feet so one is in front of the other versus being side-by-side. 

  • Sumo squat. To do this squat, the feet are slightly wider than the shoulders. This is different than the starting position for a traditional squat, which requires keeping the feet about hip-width apart.

  • Back squat. During a back squat, a barbell is placed behind the shoulders, on the traps. The squat is performed with the bar in this position.

  • Front squat. In a front squat, the barbell rests in front of the shoulders, on the top of the chest.

  • Hack squat. If working out at a gym, a hack squat can be performed by using a machine that places the body on an angle. Pads rest on the shoulders, doing a squat to push the weight up and down. 

  • Sissy squat. When doing a sissy squat, you lean backward instead of hinging forward. This move is difficult, making it better for advanced exercisers. 

  • Goblet squat. To do a goblet squat, you hold a barbell in front of the chest while squatting down.

  • Single leg squat. This exercise involves doing a squat on one leg at a time. A decent amount of balance and strength are required for this exercise. If either is lacking, avoiding this squat may be desired to keep the client from tipping to the side.

  • Pistol squat. A pistol squat is like a single leg squat. The main difference is, when squatting down, the goal is to get the lifted leg parallel to the floor.

  • Jump squat. As its name suggests, a jump squat involves doing a jump when rising from the squat position. That turns this squat into a powerful, explosive exercise.

The squat can also be modified to increase intensity as the client’s strength progresses. One way to do this is by adding weights. Barbell and dumbbell quad exercises add more resistance. This forces the muscles to work harder during the movement. 

#2: Lunge 

The lunge is another good exercise for working the quads. It also helps build strength in the hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

Like with the squat, several lunge variations can be used for variety or to work the upper legs differently. They include:

  • Forward lunge. This lunge involves taking a step forward, dropping into a lunge, then pushing up, and stepping back to return to the starting position.

  • Reverse lunge. In a reverse lunge, you step back versus stepping forward.

  • Lateral lunge. To do a lateral lunge, you step to the side.

  • Walking lunge. A walking lunge is similar to a forward lunge. However, instead of returning to the starting position, you step forward with the other leg, continuing to alternate legs until you’ve achieved the desired number of steps or distance.

#3: Leg Press

If training clients in the gym, you likely have access to a leg press machine. This exercise is great for building strong quads. It also develops strength in other lower body muscles, namely the hamstrings and glutes.

When doing a leg press, it’s important for the client to not raise their butt off the seat or put their hands on the knees. Also, make sure they are going through the full range of motion during this exercise.

#4: Leg Extension

Another quad exercise that can be performed at the gym is a leg extension. This is an isolation exercise since it involves keeping the quads stationary during the movement. This forces the muscles to work harder when lifting the lower legs.

If the client wants to do leg extension exercises at home, they can with the help of a resistance band. Have them sit in a chair with the band around their ankles. Put a rolled towel or foam roller under their knees to lift them. Have them raise their right foot, then lower it. Once they’ve completed their desired reps and sets, they perform the exercise by raising their left foot.

#5: Wall Sit

The wall sit is an effective bodyweight quad exercise. To do it, you get into a sitting position with your back against the wall, as if sitting in an imaginary chair. You remain in this position for as long as you can. But it generally doesn’t take long to start to feel a burning in the thighs.

#6: Step Up

You can also get a good quad workout with step-ups. This exercise involves stepping up onto a stair or box, then stepping back down. In addition to working the quads, this one will get the heart rate up a bit too. 

#7: Box Jump

The box jump is another quad exercise that increases heart rate while building the thigh muscles. To do it, you stand in front of a box, then jump up onto it. The higher the box, the more intense this exercise becomes. Although, starting with a short box is important to both master form and avoid injury.

Quad Workout Tips

There is no one best exercise for boosting quadriceps strength. The most effective approach is to develop a comprehensive quad workout that encompasses a variety of movements. Also, change up the leg workout every couple of weeks. Swap out different exercises to keep from getting bored and to continue progressing.

In single leg exercises, it’s important to do the movement on each side. This helps prevent muscle imbalance. Once you do the left leg, do the same exercise on the right leg. This helps create more symmetrical muscle growth.

Sample Leg Workout

Increasing the strength and size of your legs is important for overall athletic performance and aesthetics. Your legs are made up of many muscle groups that support the entire body. These include the quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves. Using both compound and isolation exercises is essential to increasing muscle and strength. 

Using mainly exercises that target multiple muscle groups simultaneously, allows you to lift heavier. This leads to great muscle development. Whereas isolation movements are important but only target specific muscle groups. Here is a detailed leg workout designed to boost both strength and size.

Leg Workout Warm-up

Tip: A proper warm-up prepares your muscles and cardiovascular system for the intense work to come, preventing injury and enhancing performance.

Leg Swings: Stand on one leg and swing the other leg forward and backward to prepare your hips and thighs for exercise.

2 sets x 10-15 reps each leg

Walking Lunges: Step forward into a lunge, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Alternate legs as you move forward.

2 sets x 10 reps each leg

High Knees: Drive your knees up towards your chest in a high-stepping fashion, moving forward as you go.

3 sets x 15 yards

Butt Kicks: Attempt to kick your buttocks with your heels with each step to warm up your hamstrings.

3 sets x 15 yards

Strength Workout

Tip: Aim for a variety of 5-8 exercises per leg session and target different angles. Be sure to utilize various rep ranges for muscle growth.

Squats (Compound)

Tip: Squats engage your entire lower body, especially the quads, hamstrings, and glutes, and even core for stabilization.

Perform the squat by standing with feet shoulder-width apart, then lower your body as if sitting back in a chair, keeping your chest up and knees tracking over toes.

Set 1 x 65% of 1RM x 10 reps

Set 2 x 70% of 1RM x 8 reps

Set 3 x 75% of 1RM x 6 reps

Set 4 x 80% of 1RM x 4 reps

Rest for 3 minutes between sets.

Lunges (Compound)

Tip: Lunges are excellent for targeting the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. They also improve balance and coordination.

Step forward with one foot and lower your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle.

Set 1 x moderate intensity x 10 reps each leg

Set 2 x moderate intensity x 8 reps each leg

Set 3 x high intensity x 6 reps each leg

Rest for 2 minutes between sets.

Leg Press (Compound)

Tip: Adjusting foot position on the platform can target different areas of the legs. Use a lower and closer stance to focus on the quads. Or a higher and wider stance to focus on the glutes and hamstrings.

Sit in the leg press machine with feet hip-width apart. Lower the weight until the knees form a 90-degree angle, then press back up.

Set 1 x 60% of 1RM x 10 reps

Set 2 x 65% of 1RM x 8 reps

Set 3 x 70% of 1RM x 8 reps

Set 4 x 75% of 1RM x 8 reps

Set 5 x 80% of 1RM x 6 reps

Rest for 2 minutes between sets.

Leg Extension (Accessory)

Tip: Leg extensions isolate and target the quadriceps. This helps muscle definition and strength.

Adjust the machine to fit your body comfortably. Extend your legs fully, focusing on squeezing the quadriceps at the top of the movement.

Set 1 x moderate intensity x 12 reps

Set 2 x moderate intensity x 10 reps

Set 3 x moderate intensity x 8 reps

Rest for 1-2 minutes between sets.

Wall Sit (Isometric)

Tip: Wall sits are excellent for building isometric strength in the quads. This can lead to better leg stability and endurance.

Press your back against a wall and lower down into a seated position. Keep your thighs parallel to the ground. Hold this position for the designated time.

3 sets x 30 seconds

Cooldown Stretch

Tip: Stretching post-workout aids in muscle recovery, flexibility, and injury prevention.

Standing Quad Stretch: Balance on one leg and bring your opposite foot toward your glutes. Hold the stretch to feel the quad engagement.

2 sets x 20 seconds each side

Standing Lunge Stretch: Step one foot forward into a lunge position. Keep your back leg straight and foot flat on the ground. Lean forward slightly to deepen the stretch.

2 sets x 20 seconds each side

Incorporate these exercises into your leg workout routine to build strength and size in your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Remember to adjust weights and repetitions based on your fitness level and goals. Stay consistent, but progressively challenge yourself to see the best results.

Should Someone with a Bad Knee Do Quad Exercises?

Many quad exercises place stress on the knee joint. So, are these moves safe for someone with knee pain or issues? Maybe yes. Maybe no.

To ensure that the leg exercise is safe for physical condition or injury, speak with the healthcare provider. It may be recommended that they engage in physical therapy before diving too deeply into quad exercises. Alternatively, the provider may suggest which moves to add or avoid, also advising as to how to progress to avoid aggravating the damaged area.




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