70 Foods That Get Sprayed With Weed Killer
What is it?
It’s the active ingredient in most weed killers.
It can’t be washed off.
Once sprayed on food it becomes part of the food itself and can end up in your body.
In fact, one study found that the number of Americans with Glyphosate in their urine skyrocketed between 1993 and 2016.
Scary, considering all the health problems associated with this chemical.
Here’s how I reinforce my gut flora (the good bacteria in my gut) so that harsh chemicals like glyphosate don’t make my immune system weaker.
Avoiding glyphosate all together is very difficult.
Look at all the foods that are sprayed with it…
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), these non-organic crops are all sprayed with glyphosate:
1. Alfalfa*
2. Almonds**
3. Apples*
4. Apricots
5. Artichokes
6. Asparagus
7. Avocados
8. Barley*
9. Beans, Green
10. Blueberries
11. Broccoli
12. Brussels Sprouts
13. Cabbage
14. Caneberries
15. Canola*
16. Canteloupes
17. Carrots
18. Cauliflower
19. Celery
20. Cherries*
21. Chicory
22. Corn**
23. Cotton**
24. Cucumbers
25. Dates
26. Dry Beans/Peas*
27. Fallow**
28. Figs
29. Garlic
30. Grapefruit*
31. Grapes**
32. Hazelnuts
33. Kiwifruit
34. Lemons*
35. Lettuce
36. Nectarines
37. Oats*
38. Olives
39. Onions
40. Oranges**
41. Pasture*
42. Peaches*
43. Peanuts*
44. Pears*
45. Peas, Green
46. Pecans*
47. Peppers
48. Pistachios*
49. Plums/Prunes*
50. Pluots
51. Pomegranates*
52. Potatoes
53. Pumpkins
54. Rice*
55. Sorghum**
56. Soybeans**
57. Spinach
58. Squash
59. Strawberries
60. Sugar Beets**
61. Sugarcane*
62. Sunflowers**
63. Sweet Corn*
64. Tangelos
65. Tangerines
66. Tobacco
67. Tomatoes*
68. Walnuts*
69. Watermelons
70. Wheat**
Seeing this list of how many foods are sprayed with this horrible weed killer is yet another thing that reminds how crucial the bacteria in your stomach are.
Microbial bacteria make up 90% of our cells so they can impact our health in a big way.
And keeping them strong and their numbers high can help protect you against harmful foods.
But they're in danger...