8 Herbs That Detox Your Body Naturally

It is ALWAYS the perfect time of year to detox your body of unwanted toxins and get rid of the excess waste and heaviness that may be bogging you down.
Feeling fatigued, bloated, lacking energy, experiencing hormonal imbalances or skin disorders can all be attributed to an overburdened liver.
There are many beneficial herbs that are incredibly detoxifying and help to support the liver and kidneys in flushing waste from the body. Many of these can be found right outside your door and in the garden!
Here are 8 detoxifying herbs you can include during the spring that help to eliminate toxic buildup from your system and renew your health.
1. Dandelion
The great thing about dandelion is that the flowers, leaves and roots support the health of your entire body. The bright yellow flowers contain high amounts of antioxidants and flavonoids, which are all great for supporting the liver and renewing cells. You can add the flowers to a pot of water and simmer on low for 15 to 20 minutes to make a sweet tasting, detoxifying tea.
Dandelion leaves are an important part of a detox because of their diuretic action, and unique because they do not leach out potassium, an important electrolyte mineral. The nutritious leaves are a good source of vitamins A, B, C and zinc. Although dandelion can be bitter, it’s the bitterness that helps to stimulate the liver and gallbladder, thereby improving digestion.
2. Red Clover
By far one of my favorite herbs, red clover is incredible for cleansing the blood. The flowers have the ability to carry waste out of the bloodstream, making this herb a valuable part of a detoxification protocol. Red clover is also a powerful tonic, helping to assist in toxin breakdown within the lymphatic system.
Its expectorant properties are also great for individuals needing lung support. However, make sure to do your research, as red clover is only appropriate in certain forms and amounts.
3. Stinging Nettle
Nettles help to support the kidneys in eliminating waste and, along with your liver, your kidneys serve an important role in detoxification as well. Beware of picking this herb with your bare hands. It stings and can leave tiny little bumps on your hands and arms. But not to worry, it lasts only temporarily, but is very itchy!
You can enjoy the leaves of this herb by steaming them and adding them to a salad. You can also enjoy nettles in a soup by boiling them with vegetable broth, garlic and onions, then pureeing it. It’s a light and nourishing soup that will detox your body with it’s high levels of iron and vitamin C. Vitamin C is an important nutrient needed to support the different phases of liver detoxification.
You can often find this herb available as a tea. Due to having mildly energizing benefits and supporting the liver and kidneys, it is a great morning tea that can help to kick-start your day with vital nutrients and detoxify your body first thing in the morning.
4. Burdock Root
Although this may not be the tastiest of herbs, this incredible antimicrobial blood cleanser is loaded with detoxifying nutrients, such as folic acid, vitamins C, E and magnesium. Burdock is also a diuretic, helping to detox your body by expelling toxic buildup in your blood and eliminate it through your urine.
Burdock is a strong herb and it would be advised to include this once you have gone through months of detoxification protocols. It has a very strong affinity for the liver and works extremely well to eliminate toxins, therefore it can make you feel quite ill if other detoxification pathways are not optimized. Burdock is also great for supporting the adrenals, helping to balance blood sugar.
5. Cilantro
This strong-tasting herb is most often used to chelate heavy metals like mercury from the body. You can enjoy it in salads, soups, smoothies or fresh-pressed juices. You can also find this available in tincture form, but do consult with an herbalist before taking it, as it can be quite potent and strong. A heavy metal detox does require guidance and support.
6. Ground Ivy
Speaking of heavy metal detoxers, ground ivy is great for removing lead and other heavy metals, making it a valuable herb to include in a detox formula. This herb is also a great diuretic, helping to detox your body by eliminating waste and toxins from the kidneys.
7. Milk Thistle
This herb is most widely used for liver detoxification and is readily available. Milk thistle can help detox your body by regenerating liver cells. It provides vital nutrients for the liver in helping it to expel toxins and metabolic waste. Milk thistle also helps to produce bile, which assists in supporting digestion.
8. Neem
This wonder herb is commonly found in natural dental products due to its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic properties, making it a great addition to any detoxification regime. Neem is also great at purifying the blood and helping to detox the body by ridding it of unwanted metabolic waste.
Bottom Line
Detoxification can be an intense process. Be sure to start out with the right support, guidance and with small doses. Teas are gentle and can be a great supplement for anyone wanting to start a detox protocol.
After you’ve supplied your body with the right nutritional support and nutrients, you may then want to consider incorporating some of these more potent and detoxifying herbs to increase the health of your detoxification pathways and renew your overall health.