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Breast Cancer Vitamins

So now it’s official. According to CNN’s medical model shill Dr. Sanjay Gupta, vitamins improve the lot of breast cancer survivors - surprise, surprise! Yet despite the exciting headline, we still have journalist/M.D. throwing cold water on what should be an important and exciting corroboration of what alternative practitioners have known for years.

Sure scientific skepticism can be a good thing, but in the face of common sense as well as voluminous research supporting the use of vitamin supplements (just do a search for “vitamins and cancer” and you’ll get over 30,000 articles, many of them touting the benefits of supplemental and food vitamins for improving health and healing of cancer patients as well as preventing carcinogenesis in the first place), Dr. Gupta’s ambivalence seems unwarranted. The good doctor concludes his article, which should be exciting and reassuring for cancer patients, on a somewhat negative note by writing “cautious interpretation is needed” especially for “concurrent use during chemotherapy and radiation therapy”, repeating the tired old medical mythology about vitamins and other essential nutrient (EN) supplementation possibly blocking the effectiveness of pharmaceutical intervention. The unwarranted and dogmatic implication being that somehow using vitamins as dietary supplements can cause anything other than improvements in the overall health and wellness of a cancer-stricken body.

So how is it anyone could think that essential nutrition can possibly interfere with any healing process in the body? There’s only one way. For anyone, including and especially a medical professional to believe that assuring the body of a constant influx of essential nutrients can impair the healing of a disease state like cancer, implies an ignorance of general biochemistry and what essential nutrient substances are and what they do.

In the case of vitamins, these EN substances are best thought of as helper molecules that improve the functions of all cells and body processes. Energy, healing, brain power, immunity and strength and recovery are all bodily actives that are likely to be supported by supplementing with vitamins. And if vitamins are helper molecules that speed up and enhance all bodily processes, the only surprise about their beneficial effects on cancer patient longevity is that anyone would be surprised. Once you understand the true nature of these biochemicals as helper molecules, assisting biochemistry and making biological reactions happen, it becomes obvious that using ENs in a supplemental fashion is far more likely to improve the prognosis for cancer healing than it is to inhibit it.

Some important and helpful vitamin and essential nutrient supplements that can help support the body’s ability to prevent and eliminate cancers as well as support chemotherapeutic pharmaceutical treatment include: Vitamin C (5000 mg a day) Vitamin E (400 i.u. a day) and N-Acetyl Cysteine (500 mg a day). Alpha Lipoic Acid (500mg a day) and selenium (600mcg a day) also have well-documented cancer fighting properties.

XeraFem tablets supply high-quality, all-natural vitamin, mineral and botanicals that provide hormonal support for women.

This natural approach to hormonal balance helps to nutritionally restore estrogen and hormonal balance while also supporting powerful defenses against oxidative stresses of aging. XeraFem does not contain hormones.



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