Do These 5 Things in The Morning for Better Sex Tonight
While most of us leave our sex life up to chance – going to bed and waiting to see if our partner gives us that special signal that tonight’s the night, there are actually ways that we can increase our chances of getting lucky. Whether you feel your libido has decreased in recent years, or your partner is the one who hasn’t been interested lately, introduce one or more of these five simple activities to your morning routine and watch the bedtime fireworks fly.
You don’t need to be a meditative mind master to revolutionize your libido and sexual performance. Simply starting a rudimentary meditation regimen could help you shift up a gear in the bedroom. How does this work? Stress, anxiety, depression, and distraction are known to be some of the worst libido-killers, and meditation directly combats all of these issues. Research has shown that meditation can decrease brain cell volume in the amygdala, the area responsible for fear, anxiety, and stress. Less stress, anxiety, and fear can equal more sexual desire and enjoyment.
Less stress, an improved mood, and higher self-esteem are all health benefits of exercise. Together, they can rev up your sex drive. In fact, a recent study found that women who had reduced libido as a side effect of medication achieved improved sexual satisfaction after doing 30 minutes of exercise three times per week.
The benefits will be doubled if you can involve your partner. Try going for a hike together, or perhaps a run or gym class – any hobby or interest that you and your partner can do together can relieve stress, strengthen your emotional connection, and boost desire. One study found that couples who tried new and exciting activities together had greater satisfaction in their relationships. Plus, sex itself is a proven stress buster, so once you find a renewed connection, you could kick off a positive cycle.
Drink a green smoothie
This one is easy; throw some greens, veggies, and fruit in a blender and drink up. You’ll feel sexier fast with better digestion, more energy, brighter skin, and fresh breath, too. Plus, following a heart-healthy diet could help you turn up the heat between the sheets. A recent study found a link between high cholesterol and women who have difficulty with arousal and orgasm. Loading up on fruits and veggies can quickly improve your cholesterol levels.
Besides, having a healthy breakfast can help you avoid sugar. Sugar can harm your sex life by destroying healthy levels of sex hormones and reducing libido. One study found that sugar consumption significantly reduced testosterone levels, critical for arousal in both men and women. An energizing green smoothie in the morning could help you kick sugar to the curb and improve your sex life.
Spend some time outside
A little time spent in the sun can heat things up in the bedroom for men and women. This is thanks to vitamin D, which we get from sun exposure. Several studies have linked vitamin D, or a lack thereof, to changes in your sex drive. In terms of biology, testosterone is a hormone strongly connected to our sex drive, and studies show that the sun is an important factor in producing this important chemical. If you want to enjoy more time in the sack, try spending 30 minutes in the sun each morning for two weeks.
Spike your breakfast with magnesium and zinc
Studies have shown that people who consume a sufficient amount of zinc tend to have normal testosterone levels. Many fortified grains and cereals, which also make convenient breakfast foods, can help you reach a healthy level. Another mineral linked to higher testosterone and libido is magnesium, which can be found in many enjoyable foods such as dark, leafy greens, avocados, yogurt, bananas, and dark chocolate. For a one-two mineral punch, pumpkin seeds are one of the best dietary sources of zinc and magnesium. The seeds are also a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids shown to boost prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that play a key role in libido. Try some whole-grain toast with avocado and pumpkin seeds on top for a breakfast that will inspire you for that nighttime roll in the hay!
Who knew your morning routine could determine the fate of your evening love connection? Try a few of these libido-boosting habits this week and enjoy a renewed connection between the sheets.
-Susan Patterson