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Food Safety Alert: Salmonella Outbreak - Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Cantaloupes

Food Safety Alert

Fast Facts Illnesses: 99 (56 new) Hospitalizations: 45 (28 new) Deaths: 2 (2 new) States: 32 (17 new) Recall: Yes Investigation status: Active

Recalled Food Whole cantaloupes

Might have a sticker that says "Malichita" or "Rudy," with the number "4050", and "Product of Mexico/produit du Mexique"

Vinyard brand pre-cut cantaloupes

- Includes cantaloupe cubes, melon medleys, and fruit medleys - Sold in Oklahoma stores between October 30 and November 10, 2023 - Most have a yellow label with "Vinyard," and some have a red label with "Fresh"

ALDI whole cantaloupe and pre-cut fruit products

Includes whole cantaloupes, cantaloupe chunks in clamshell packaging, and pineapple spears in clamshell packaging Best-by dates between October 27 and October 31, 2023 Sold in ALDI stores in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, and Wisconsin Freshness Guaranteed brand and RaceTrac brand pre-cut cantaloupes

Includes cantaloupe chunks, seasonal blend, melon mixes, and fruit mixes Packed in clear square or round plastic containers Best-by dates between November 7 to November 12, 2023 Sold in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia

Investigators are working to identify any additional cantaloupe products that may be contaminated.

What You Should Do - Do not eat any recalled cantaloupes and other fruit products. Throw them away or return them to where you bought them. - Wash items and surfaces that may have touched the recalled fruit using hot soapy water or a dishwasher. - Call your healthcare provider if you have any of these severe Salmonella symptoms: - Diarrhea and a fever higher than 102?F - Diarrhea for more than 3 days that is not improving - Bloody diarrhea - So much vomiting that you cannot keep liquids down

Signs of dehydration, such as: - Not peeing much - Dry mouth and throat - Feeling dizzy when standing up

What Businesses Should Do Do not sell or serve recalled cantaloupes and products made with recalled cantaloupe. Wash and sanitize items and surfaces that may have come in contact with recalled fruit.

Symptoms of Salmonella - Most people infected with Salmonella experience diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps. - Symptoms usually start 6 hours to 6 days after swallowing the bacteria. - Most people recover without treatment after 4 to 7 days. - Some people--especially children younger than 5 years, adults 65 years and older, and people with weakened immune systems--may experience more severe illnesses that require medical treatment or hospitalization.

CDC Posted November 24, 2023




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