How Long to Cook a Stuffed Turkey for Safe—but Juicy—Results

Cooking Time for a Stuffed Turkey
You've selected your favorite stuffing recipe, dressed the turkey in a turkey rub, and stuffed the bird. You're almost there. But what's the cooking time for the turkey? Take a moment to pat yourself on the back, because you're almost there. We're sharing exactly how long you should cook a stuffed turkey. "Make sure your turkey is completely thawed before stuffing. Avoid putting raw eggs or meat products, such as sausage, inside of the turkey," says Lynn Blanchard, test kitchen director, Better Homes & Gardens. For the most even cooking, we do recommend cooking the stuffing separately from the turkey.
After stuffing, we recommend trussing the turkey. To truss, tuck drumsticks under the band of skin across tail, reset leg clamp or tie legs to tail with kitchen string. Twist wing tips under the back.
Test Kitchen Tip: When stuffing the turkey, allow for 3 ⁄4 cup per pound of turkey ( 11 cups for a 15-lb. bird.) Stuff the turkey just before roasting (not ahead). Spoon stuffing loosely into turkey (stuffing won’t reach a safe temperature if packed tightly).
How Long to Cook a Stuffed Turkey
First, what's the cooking time per pound for a stuffed turkey? Using a 325°F oven, here's a rough per pound guide from the pros at These stuffed turkey cooking times have been tested and proven to work well by our Test Kitchen team:
For 10- to 12-pound turkey, roast 3¼ hours to 3½ hours.
For 12- to 14-pound turkey, roast 3½ to 4 hours.
For 14- to 18-pound turkey, roast 4 to 4¼ hours.
For 18- to 20-pound turkey, roast 4¼ to 4¾ hours.
For 20- to 24-pound turkey, roast 4¾ to 5¼ hours.
As a general rule, stuffed birds require at least 45 minutes more roasting time than unstuffed birds. The safest way to determine your exact roasting time is by checking every 15 minutes or so after the 3-hour mark using a meat thermometer. A probe thermometer lets you keep an eye on the turkey temp without opening and closing the oven. When cooking a stuffed turkey, the temperature should read 165°F in the stuffing, 170°F in the breast, and 175°F in the thigh. When taking the temperature of your turkey, do not let the thermometer touch the bone.
Note that after removing the turkey from the oven, the temperature of the meat will rise about 5°F. "For the most foolproof results, brine your turkey. Either a wet or dry brine will keep the turkey both well seasoned and juicy," says Juliana Hale, senior culinary specialist, Better Homes & Gardens.

Test Kitchen Tip:
For the most delicious results, place a loose foil cover over your turkey and let it stand for about 10 minutes before carving. This ensures the meat has time to rest.
How to Serve a Stuffed Turkey
Cooking turkey for Thanksgiving doesn't have to be complicated! Be sure to remove the stuffing before carving and add it to a separate serving dish. Keep the stuffing warm in the oven if you need. If you follow these tips for how to cook a stuffed turkey, you're sure to serve a perfectly roasted dinner every time.
How to Store Leftover Turkey and Stuffing
If you have leftover turkey, store it in an airtight container in the fridge for 3-4 days. Freeze leftover turkey for up to three months. It's best to freeze the turkey the day it's made, after the meat has completely cooled.
To store leftover stuffing, place it in an airtight container in the fridge for 2-3 days.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you cook a stuffed turkey at 325°F or 350°F?
For the best results, our Test Kitchen recommends cooking a stuffed turkey at 325°F. This allows the turkey to roast evenly for the juiciest meat.
Do you cook stuffing before putting it in the turkey?
There's no need to cook stuffing before putting into the turkey. If your stuffing recipe includes meat or sausage, ensure it is cooked before adding it to the recipe. Our Test Kitchen recommends placing the stuffing in the bird just before roasting.
Is it safer to cook stuffing in the turkey or in a pan alongside?
It’s safe either way as long as the stuffing reaches 165°F. The challenge is to avoid a turkey that’s done before the stuffing reaches a safe temperature, leading to dry, overcooked meat. We recommend baking stuffing separately, in a baking dish. Although stuffing roasted in the bird is delicious, turkey and stuffing often don’t cook evenly.
How long to cook a 20 lb. stuffed turkey?
For a 20 pound turkey, you'll want to roast the bird for 4¾ to 5¼ hours in a 325° oven. Be sure to use a meat thermometer to confirm the internal temperature of the meat has reached 165°F in the stuffing, 170°F in the breast, and 175°F in the thigh.