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Ketogenic Diet - Pharmacist Ben Fuchs - Moment of Truth

While the ketogenic diet may seem like a fad, it is actually a tried-and-true eating protocol. It's been scientifically validated for over a hundred years.

First designed as a way to mimic the biochemistry associated with fasting, the originators of the ketogenic diet formulated the program to help reduce seizure disorders, before the development of anti-seizure medication.

These days, in addition to epileptics, the diet has benefits for the chronically ill, the obese, as well as athletes and the elderly. To eat ketogenicly, make sure most, maybe 60 to 80 percent, of your daily calories come from quality fat, butter, coconut oil, eggs and fatty fish are ideal sources. Carbs should be kept at 10 to 15 percent of calories and derived mostly from veggies and some fruits. Another 20% or so of calories should come from proteins and most importantly, keep your calories low, somewhere around 1200 to 1500 a day.

Under conditions of high fat and low carbs and low calories, the body's ability to generate clean energy is maximized, leading to improved immunity, enhanced heart, brain health, weight loss, reduced inflammation and better overall quality of life.

Who is the Ketogenic Way of eating for? Originally for seizure disorders, it has shown to be beneficial for Cognition, mental clarity and yes Weight Loss and so much more. Pharmacist Ben goes into Dairy and how nut milks are not a nutritional substitute. Questions covered include Hypothyroidism and how prescriptions do not directly benefit the thyroid, it must be done through nutrition. Breathing demonstration with the Wim Hoff Method for boosting energy and alkalizing the blood. And, a brief introduction into the topic of next months Estrogen and how the diseases that primarily affect women are linked to issues with estrogen.

Keto 90 Pak

The Keto 90 Pak™ delivers the nutritional support you need to follow the Keto 90 Diet. The Keto 90 Pak™ is essential to individuals following the Keto 90 Program. When following a high-fat, moderate protein, low carb plan you need specific nutritional support that meets the macronutrient profiles of the keto diet.

This Pak includes:

Keto Caramel Bars10 count (1)

Now you can truly enjoy your low-carb or low-glycemic diet with Slender FX™ Keto Caramel™ Weight Management Bars that will restore your nutrient levels as well as your enjoyment of life!

Slender FX™ True Keto includes the perfect balance of nutrients from the best sources. It includes generous amounts of fat and protein from whole egg powder, MCT oil, and whey to support your weight loss goals.

Keto Power Up™ is an all-natural blend of metabolism-boosting nutrients that promote energy production and support healthy weight management as a part of a healthy diet.

To replenish the minerals you may be missing try Ultimate™ Mineral Caps™.

* See individual products for details.

Youngevity ID #101750618



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