Lead and Cadmium Could Be in Your Dark Chocolate

For many of us, chocolate is more than just a tasty treat. It’s a mood lifter, an energy booster, a reward after a tough day, a favorite holiday gift.
People also choose dark chocolate in particular for its potential health benefits, thanks to studies that suggest its rich supply of antioxidants may improve heart health and other conditions, and for its relatively low levels of sugar. In fact, more than half of people in a recent survey from the National Confectioners Association described dark chocolate as a “better for you” candy.
But there’s a dark side to this “healthier” chocolate. Research has found that some dark chocolate bars contain cadmium and lead—two heavy metals linked to a host of health problems in children and adults.
The chocolate industry has been grappling with ways to lower those levels. To see how much of a risk these favorite treats pose, Consumer Reports scientists recently measured the amount of heavy metals in 28 dark chocolate bars. They detected cadmium and lead in all of them.
Heavy Metals in Dark Chocolate
CR tested a mix of brands, including smaller ones, such as Alter Eco and Mast, and more familiar ones, like Dove and Ghirardelli.
For 23 of the bars, eating just an ounce a day would put an adult over a level that public health authorities and CR’s experts say may be harmful for at least one of those heavy metals. Five of the bars were above those levels for both cadmium and lead.
That’s risky stuff: Consistent, long-term exposure to even small amounts of heavy metals can lead to a variety of health problems. The danger is greatest for pregnant people and young children because the metals can cause developmental problems, affect brain development, and lead to lower IQ, says Tunde Akinleye, the CR food safety researcher who led this testing project.
“But there are risks for people of any age,” he says. Frequent exposure to lead in adults, for example, can lead to nervous system problems, hypertension, immune system suppression, kidney damage, and reproductive issues. While most people don’t eat chocolate every day, 15 percent do, according to the market research firm Mintel. Even if you aren’t a frequent consumer of chocolate, lead and cadmium can still be a concern. It can be found in many other foods—such as sweet potatoes, spinach, and carrots—and small amounts from multiple sources can add up to dangerous levels. That’s why it’s important to limit exposure when you can.
Still, you don’t need to swear off chocolate entirely, Akinleye says. He adds that while most of the chocolate bars in CR’s tests had concerning levels of lead, cadmium, or both, five of them were relatively low in both. “That shows it’s possible for companies to make products with lower amounts of heavy metals—and for consumers to find safer products that they enjoy,” he says.
And in addition to choosing your dark chocolates wisely, there are a number of other steps you can take to continue enjoying chocolate safely.
CR's Chocolate Test Results
We tested 28 dark chocolate bars for lead and cadmium. To determine the risk posed by the chocolates in CR’s test, we used California's maximum allowable dose level (MADL) for lead (0.5 micrograms) and cadmium (4.1mcg). Shown are the percentages of the MADL supplied in an ounce of each chocolate. Our results indicate which products had comparatively higher levels and are not assessments of whether a product exceeds a legal standard. We used those levels because there are no federal limits for the amount of lead and cadmium most foods can contain, and CR’s scientists believe that California’s levels are the most protective available. While both cadmium and lead pose serious health risks, products within each category are listed in order of lead level, because that heavy metal poses particular concerns and no amount of it is considered safe. Below 100% CR's levels Above 100% CR's levels
Safer Choices

Mast Organic Dark Chocolate 80% Cocoa LEAD 14% CADMIUM 40%
Taza Chocolate Organic Deliciously Dark Chocolate 70% Cacao LEAD 33% CADMIUM 74% Ghirardelli Intense Dark Chocolate 86% Cacao LEAD 36% CADMIUM 39% Ghirardelli Intense Dark Chocolate Twilight Delight 72% Cacao LEAD 61% CADMIUM 96% Valrhona Abinao Dark Chocolate 85% Cacao LEAD 63% CADMIUM 73% High in Cadmium Beyond Good Organic Pure Dark Chocolate 70% Cocoa LEAD 42% CADMIUM 112% Beyond Good Organic Pure Dark Chocolate 80% Cocoa LEAD 42% CADMIUM 138% Equal Exchange Organic Extra Dark Chocolate 80% Cacao LEAD 45% CADMIUM 120% Lindt Excellence Dark Chocolate 70% Cocoa LEAD 48% CADMIUM 116% Scharffen Berger Extra Dark Chocolate 82% Cacao LEAD 49% CADMIUM 136% Alter Eco Organic Dark Chocolate Classic Blackout 85% Cacao LEAD 49% CADMIUM 204% Pascha Organic Very Dark Dark Chocolate 85% Cacao LEAD 68% CADMIUM 253% Dove Promises Deeper Dark Chocolate 70% Cacao LEAD 74% CADMIUM 112% High in Lead Tony's Chocolonely Dark Chocolate 70% Cocoa LEAD 134% CADMIUM 28% Lily's Extra Dark Chocolate 70% Cocoa LEAD 144% CADMIUM 42% Godiva Signature Dark Chocolate 72% Cacao LEAD 146% CADMIUM 25% Chocolove Strong Dark Chocolate 70% Cocoa LEAD 152% CADMIUM 60% Lindt Excellence Dark Chocolate 85% Cocoa LEAD 166% CADMIUM 80% Endangered Species Bold + Silky Dark Chocolate 72% Cocoa LEAD 181% CADMIUM 31% Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate 72% Cacao LEAD 192% CADMIUM 36% Hu Organic Simple Dark Chocolate 70% Cacao LEAD 210% CADMIUM 56% Chocolove Extreme Dark Chocolate 88% Cocoa LEAD 240% CADMIUM 83% Hershey's Special Dark Mildly Sweet Chocolate LEAD 265% CADMIUM 30% High in Both Lead & Cadmium Theo Organic Pure Dark 70% Cocoa LEAD 120% CADMIUM 142% Trader Joe's The Dark Chocolate Lover's Chocolate 85% Cacao LEAD 127% CADMIUM 229% Theo Organic Extra Dark Pure Dark Chocolate 85% Cocoa LEAD 140% CADMIUM 189% Lily's Extremely Dark Chocolate 85% Cocoa LEAD 143% CADMIUM 101% Green & Black's Organic Dark Chocolate 70% Cacao LEAD 143% CADMIUM 181%
