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New Study Links Time in Nature to Improvements in Health and Wellbeing

It’s well-known that spending time outdoors in nature is great for your health.  In fact, there’s even evidence to show that living in a greener environment can benefit your overall well-being.  Generally speaking, just to be clear, time in nature can significantly reduce your stress levels, improve social connections, and greatly enhance your overall perspective on life.

But here’s the most important question: how much time do you need to spend outdoors to enjoy the benefits?  A recent study published in Scientific Reports and led by the University of Exeter took data from close to 20,000 people in England to try to answer this question.

Additionally, a study published in the Journal of American College Health found that spending time outdoors referred to as ‘green time,’ significantly reduced stress and depression among college students.  The study also highlighted that individuals who spent more time in nature experienced fewer mental health symptoms, even with varying levels of screen time exposure.

Spending the ‘right’ time in nature can make all the difference in the world

Research has discovered that people who spend at least 120 minutes each week in nature enjoy better psychological well-being and overall health than those who don’t get outdoors.  However, no benefits were seen in people who spend less than 120 minutes each week at parks, beaches, and woodlands.

It didn’t seem to matter whether people got their 120 minutes of nature in just one visit or spread it out over several visits.  The study also found that the need for at least two hours outside was universal for women, men, youth, and older adults and across various ethnic, occupational, and economic groups.

For most people studied, nature visits took place within a couple of miles of their homes, so it appears that even spending time in local urban green spaces has a positive impact.  Whether it’s a city park or time out in the forest, just making sure you get that two hours a week has a significant impact on health and wellbeing.

The history of “forest bathing” and how it helps us live a healthier life

Of course, getting outside isn’t anything new, particularly in Eastern medicine.  Developed in Japan, the practice of Shinrin-yoku, which means forest bathing or taking in the atmosphere of the forest, has been a cornerstone of healing and preventive healthcare for some time.  Both South Korea and Japan have researched the benefits of spending time in a natural area and walking in a relaxed manner.

Several of the scientifically proven benefits of this practice include:

Unfortunately, most Americans aren’t spending enough time outdoors these days.  We spend more time indoors than ever before.  According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), most Americans spend 87% of their lives inside, with another 6% spent in vehicles.

New studies support the need for at least two hours of outdoor time each week, so it’s time to start making changes.  Spend more time at the beach, walk in the park, or go on a camping trip.  Your future health and longevity will thank you for the effort to get outside, more, on a regular basis.

Sources for this article include:



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