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Top 10 Strategies for Prevention of Cancer

  1. Minimize exposure to risk factors including smoking, drugs (including illegal and prescription) and excessive alcohol intake.

  2. Maintain body weight in within a healthy range. The obese and even overweight are more likely to get cancer.

  3. Practice regular, daily deep breathing.

  4. Stay physically active. A sedentary lifestyle is linked cancer.

  5. Eat (and drink) more veggies. Reduce intake of processed dairy and meat.

  6. Avoid fried and otherwise processed and refined fats.

  7. Reduce caloric intake (especially refined flour and sugar) and use intermittent fasting (1-3 days a month).

  8. Supplement with essential vitamins and minerals intelligently and strategically.

  9. Use relaxation techniques including massage, quality sleep (and naps), as well as emotional and mental strategies.

  10. Leverage spirituality by developing a personal relationship and regularly communing with Divine Force through prayer and meditation.

Did you know…

…that the name cancer refers to the crab like way tumors tenaciously grip and spread into adjacent tissues

…the earliest description of cancer was of a breast tumor found in an ancient Egyptian medical treatise dating back to 1600 B.C.

…lung, prostate, and stomach cancers are the most commonly diagnosed cancers in men. Breast, cervix, and colorectal cancers are the most commonly diagnosed cancers in women.

Cancer, Oxygen and Sugar

In the world of health and wellness, there’s nothing quite as terrifying as a diagnosis of cancer. As of 2014, nearly 15 million people living in the United States had a history of the dreaded disease. That’s about 5 percent or so of the population. While that’s certainly significant, it also means that 95 percent of Americans are cancer-free. In other words, despite the fear and angst it engenders, full-blown cancer is a relatively rare occurrence. While cancer has become a prosperous and profit intensive industry generating 125 billion dollars a year in revenue, the infrequency of its occurrence implies a certain resistance to the disease that is built into our biology.

In fact, scientists recognize that the body comes equipped with anti-cancer genetics. Over the past few years, several "tumor-suppressor" genes that control carcinogenesis, abnormal growth and proliferation of cancer cells, have been discovered. What’s more, mutations in these genes have been linked to specific types of cancer. Not surprisingly, the genes have caught the attention of the drug industry and chemotherapy researchers are exploring the potential for treating cancer patients by inhibiting tumor growth and spread with pharmaceutical versions of these tumor-suppressor genes. Nonetheless, despite the potential for exploitation for profit, by understanding what goes awry with the body’s cancer protecting mechanisms when malignancies occur, we may reveal clues we can use to assure prevention or even remission once the disease shows up.

When we hear the word cancer, most of us think of various parts of the body that the disease appears in. That’s understandable; traditionally, all cancers have been associated with the various structures they affect. But this misguided focus on cancerous bodily structures, keeps us from making a common sense assessment about what’s really occurring. The disturbances in the structure and function of tissues and organs are the result of cellular pathology. Despite all the attention that’s drawn to prostates, lungs, bones, breasts and other cancerous bodily systems, the real key to comprehending and addressing the cause of cancer is the cell; from a healing perspective the particular organ of the body that is affected is far less important. We don’t have bone cancer; we have bone cancer cells. Likewise, we don’t have lung, prostate, breast cancer, rather cancers of the lung, prostate and breast cells. When we say we have cancer what we mean is we have cancer cells. Or more accurately we have cells that are dividing in a chaotic, cancer-like fashion.

While medical professionals will say that there are many things that initiate cancer, from cigarettes to air pollution to food additives and nuclear radiation, as it turns out these factors all function as secondary triggers. In this way all the various cancers, and there are over a hundred of them, have a generic quality. No matter where the cancer is occurring, at the cellular level, the same metabolic dysfunction is present: namely the substitution of oxygen-burning as a source of energy with the fermentation of sugar. In fact, according to the pioneering biochemist Otto Warburg, the replacement of oxygen with sugar as a prime fuel source is the cancer cell’s distinguishing feature. In an article titled “The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer” he wrote: “…the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever a cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements…”. And, according to J.B. Kizer, a cancer researcher at the Gungnir Research Center (GRC) in Portsmouth, Ohio: “this difference in respiration has remained the most fundamental (and some say, only) physiological difference consistently found between normal and cancer cells.”

So, cancer cells, unlike normal healthy ones, do not utilize oxygen; their prime source of fuel is sugar. And because glucose contains much less energy, these cells cannot maintain their normal growth and functioning and are forced to divide rapidly. This leads to the hallmark sign of all carcinogenesis: rapidly reproducing cells piling up into large masses of tissue called tumors.

There are two types of biological cells-

  1. a primitive entity a without a lot of specific functionality or structures within it. Most of these are independent organisms albeit very simple ones. Scientists call them microbes: think bacteria, fungus and simple little organisms that live on the surface of water. These basic structures are so simple that they can divide very rapidly, and proliferate at a dramatic rate, doubling their population every 20 minutes. This ancient cell is called a “pro-karyote” (from the Greek term for “primitive kernel”) and they burn sugar to acquire the energy they need to live.

  2. A more advanced cell called a “eu-karyote” (Greek; “advanced kernel”) that is tremendously functional, contains hundreds of thousands of substructures called dynamic organelles whos activities are highly organized and choreographed. These intelligent, evolved and incredibly sophisticated living beings have given rise to relatively huge organisms like rats, cats, birds, elephants and people. There are hundreds of these different advanced entities living in and as our bodies, making up the structure of our blood, brains, breasts and bones. Unlike prokaryote which depend on sugar for their functioning, eukaryotes are capable of leveraging the significantly greater energy density contained in oxygen.

Without the evolution of a cell from its ancient ancestor to its highly evolved decedent, all biological life would have remained unicellular and microbial. But all that incredible sophistication and intelligence in this second, high-tech form of cell requires the tremendous amount of electrical energy ordinarily supplied by oxygen. Under conditions of deprivation and accumulation of toxicity, the performance of these sophisticated cells will begin to suffer. Over time they will become dysfunctional. As the deficits accrue, the stress becomes untenable and the advanced eukaryote cell will actually revert back (genetically) to its rapidly dividing, less evolved prokaryote form, a way of existing that is simpler and has a greater tolerance for oxygen deficit.

Ordinary eukaryote cells are intelligent, in fact they’re brilliant. They’re compartmentalized and contain hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of substructures all organized with an unparalleled level of sophistication that rivals the super-est of super computers. They’re capable of performing countless chemical processes. And they’re exquisitely responsive to their environments, conducting their business in a co-operative fashion, reacting appropriately to signals that it receives from its neighbors.

However, all that sophistication requires energy. In order for eukaryote cells to perform their functions they need resources like oxygen and nutrition. And they need a pristine environment to work in. Under conditions of duress and in the chronic presence of sugar and toxicity, the ordinarily high tech eukaryote begins to function energetically in a fashion similar to the stripped-down simple prokaryote. This shows up as abnormal sizes and shapes, stickiness and tendency to spread, and most notably, uncontrolled, unstable growth and reproduction.

While normal eukaryotes are cellular geniuses, cancer cells on the other hand, are learning disabled, they’re simple minded cretins. They’re the village idiots of the cell world. The exquisitely detailed architecture of healthy cells becomes a sloppy, disorganized, mishmash in a cancer cell. Compared to the finely tuned receptivity and intelligence of ordinary healthy cells, cancerous ones are simpletons, oblivious to their surroundings. They are cellular sociopaths, selfishly scarfing up nutrients without regard to their colleagues and neighbors.

The classic sign of cancer, the out of control cell division that leads to diseased tissue, organ failure and finally death, is about a long-term and generic cell stress, specifically a lack of oxygen. Which, from a healing perspective, has much less to do with the specific organs these cells reside in. Cancer is not so much a disease as it is a coping mechanism.

So, all cancer diagnosis, are really about the cancer cell. A cancer cell is a stressed out cell and under these conditions it can revert back to its primitive history as a bacteria and begin processing energy in a fashion that allows them to survive, but requires it to constantly divide. They may not be able to utilize oxygen or to fulfill their required roles, but at least they can survive. They’re kind of like a computer on safe mode after a power surge or viral infection, the system hasn’t totally crashed, it can perform some rudimentary functions, but you’re not going to be able to get any work done.

The difficulties associated with healing and curing cancer is a result of the progressive nature of the disease. By the time it is discovered, for many people, there are so many of the freaked out, crazy growing cells that extreme remedies are required to restore the body back to a pristine stare of health. Unfortunately, none of these drastic measures, which include radiation, chemotherapy and surgery, do anything for the originating problem, which is the stressed, sick cell.

Cancer is not an alien invader. It does not manifest as the result of an external attack. At the end of the day a cancer cell is our cell, albeit rogue and delinquent. That means chemotherapy is quite literally cellular homicide, killing our most fundamental constituents, and that’s why it inevitably comes with distressing side effects, even if it is occasionally effective. The fact that malignant cells are our cells and the cancer-filled body is our body is also why the best strategies for dealing with and preventing the disease, or slowing down its progression, involve supplying the proper amounts of oxygen, providing essential nutrients (from both our diet and supplements) and avoiding toxicity. By giving cells the resources they need and a clean environment to conduct their business in, the likelihood a malignant response can be significantly reduced

One of the most important strategies for cancer prevention and its possible remission is to eliminate undue burdens on the body. That’s where diet comes in. Excess calories derived from macro-nutrients can represent stress for the cancerous body, which is the manifestation of an already hyperactive state. Calories are heat and heat is a dynamic condition that adds fuel to a tumor’s hyper-metabolic cellular fire. What’s more calories require work, biochemical effort for processing. Which, in turn, ups the body’s requirement for vitamins and minerals and increases the likelihood of nutritional deficiencies

Thus the importance of fasting and caloric restriction, both of which can have important anti-cancer effects. Back in 1909, researcher’s demonstrated the suppression of the tumors that had been injected into underfed mice. More recently scientists from the University of California published a study in the journal “Cancer, Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention” that showed that nighttime fasting reduces the odds of the appearance of tumors of the breast. They concluded that, "Increasing the duration of overnight fasting could be a novel strategy to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer…”. According to research from the University of California, published in 2008, not eating anything for a couple of days weakens cancerous cells, making them more susceptible to chemotherapy than regular healthy cells, while fasting protects normal non-cancerous cells from the toxic effects of chemotherapy.

While all calories increase the odds of and exacerbate carcinogenesis, those derived from sugar can be particularly problematic. In a 2013 study published in the journal “Molecular Cell”, researchers showed that cellular chemicals associated with the development of cancer, are upregulated by sugar. In an online article published in January 2016, in the journal “Cancer Research”, scientists from the University of Texas’ MD Anderson Cancer Center found that sugar intake in mice comparable to the S.A.D., increased tumor growth and metastasis. There is also reason to believe that sugar deprivation may function as chemotherapy. In research published in the journal “Molecular Systems Biology” in 2012, UCLA scientists demonstrated that glucose starvation, depriving cancer cells of glucose, activated intracellular biochemical reactions that led to their death.

Micronutrients are important too. According to Dr. Bilwa Bhanap, MD of the Dr. Rath Research Institute, they can stabilize the out of control reproduction of cancer cells, inhibit metastasis and induce them to self-destruct. Cancer cells burn through vitamins and minerals to fuel their manic division, causing healthy cells to starve compounding patient’s health challenges. The standard medical cancer treatments of chemo and surgery create an additional burden on the body, using up valuable nutrients. It’s very likely that the side effects and general misery endured by the medically treated cancer patient are at least partially caused by micronutrient deficiencies.

While oral supplementation can be helpful, intravenous (IV) injections of micronutrients directly into the bloodstream are also available. The “Meyer’s Cocktail”, a mixture of minerals and vitamins which has been used effectively to treat fibromyalgia, asthma and immune disorders, may be a helpful adjunct to a supplement regimen. Likewise, consider IV administration of vitamin C and glutathione, the bodys own natural cancer fighters and detoxifier. As with ordinary supplementation, IV nutrients can improve overall health in the cancer patient and mitigate and improve the effects of chemotherapy.

Don’t forget the veggies, especially in a juice form, which facilitates absorption and usefulness of the plant nutrients, many of which have anti-cancer properties. Adding spices like turmeric, garlic and cayenne, which have their own anti-cancer properties, can amp up the cancer fighting benefits of juicing, as they lend flavors and improve taste.

Finally, cancer hates oxygen! According to the aforementioned GRC’s Dr. Kizer: “…high O2 tensions…(are)…lethal to cancer tissue…demonstrating the possibility that if O2 tensions in cancer tissues can be elevated, then the cancer tissue may be able to be killed selectively.” There are numerous ways oxygenation of blood and tissues can upregulate its transport and delivery to cells to prevent or slow down the transformation of healthy cells to cancerous ones. Deep (into the belly) breathing exercises can help, inhaling and exhaling slowly through the nose, 15 seconds on the in breath 15 seconds on the outbreath. Many hospitals have high pressure (hyperbaric) oxygen chambers available for both inpatient and outpatient treatments. Regular exercise can stimulate oxygenation of tissue and cells and improve the lungs respiratory capacity and strengthen its breathing musculature at the same time.



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