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Yes, a Complete Vitamin B May Be the Most Important Supplement You Can Take

To Fully Support Your Healthy Brain and Energy Levels, Though, It’s Vital You Make Certain It’s Truly Organic

After all, why feed your body synthetic junk if you’re trying to HELP your health?)

If you’ve gone more plant-based in your diet, or entirely so, congratulations – you’re doing your health and longevity a huge favor.

However, one area in which you must take action is in supporting your body’s B vitamins (a.k.a. the essential “energy, focus, and mood” nutrients)… especially vitamin B12.

Now, maybe this is news to you.

Or maybe you’re well aware of this and already take a vitamin B supplement.

Either way – for your energy, focus, mood, and longevity – it’s important for you to be “in the know” on the three big problems, one of them quite surprising.

Even more important, you need to know the new easy solution that’s literally guaranteed to change everything for you.

So, let’s start with…


Chances are High That You’re Low in the “Energy, Focus, and Mood” Bs… Especially Vitamin B12

If you ever feel frustrated because you “run out of steam” too much or too soon in the day…

If you worry because your brain feels “fuzzy” or blocked from being able to fully focus…

If you’re ever irritated because you want to be in a good mood but your brain and body seem to be pushing you to be, well, irritated…


There are eight (8) different types of essential B vitamins.

And, indeed, they’re all truly essential to support many aspects of your health, such as your body’s immunity against disease, a healthy heart, your vision, beautiful skin, and healthy inflammation levels.

However, the vitamin Bs may be best known as the “energy, focus, and mood” nutrients.

And the superstar among the eight vitamin Bs for energy, focus, and mood support?

Vitamin B12!

It’s also a superstar when it comes to your heart and bone health and to achieving your healthiest, youngest-looking skin, nails, and hair.

HOWEVER, here’s the big problem #1:

40% of the U.S. population may now be low in vitamin B12.

And the more plant-based your diet is…

And/or the older you are…

The more you may be at risk!

First, that’s because the many popular fruits, veggies, herbs, and spices out there provide your body very little to no vitamin B12 at all.

Instead, top sources of vitamin B12 include animal meat, especially liver and kidneys, along with eggs, dairy, and certain seafood.

Second, due to changes in digestion including a decrease in stomach acid production, the body’s ability to absorb B12 can decline with age.

Top Causes of Low B12

  • Plant-Based to Fully Vegan

  • Middle-Age / Golden Years

  • Excess Stress

  • Inferior B12 Supplements

  • Must Be Consumed Daily

  • Excess Alcohol

  • Certain Health Conditions

  • Certain Medications

(Some other top common causes of low B12 include excess stress… inadequate B12 quantities or absorption from inferior B12 supplements… and the fact that the body doesn’t produce any B12 and it’s water-soluble, so you must consume it daily.)

Now, yes, a wide range of research shows that it’s very smart overall to opt for plant foods – including plant-based proteins – and to reduce or eliminate animal-based foods for your overall health and longevity.

However, even if you are only “moderately” plant-based, many experts agree that it is important to supplement with the right type of vitamin B12!

And with that word “right” in mind, that brings us to…

PROBLEM #2 Your Vitamin B Supplement May Well Be Harming Your Health Instead of Helping It

Whether you already take a supplement providing any to all of the vitamin Bs or if you’re “in the market” for one, this is vital to know:

Many supplement companies are exceptional at one thing – self-promotion.

For the sake of your health, though, bypass all their self-promotion in advertising and on labels and instead check your supplements carefully for independent verification that’s organic and free of potentially toxic ingredients.

In the U.S., the strictest and most trusted independent verification to look for is that it’s USDA Certified Organic.

Why Put Your Health At Risk…

When you’re trying to help it?

Look for this on supplements:

You see, supplements have very little regulation and it’s quite common that they contain dyes, binders, heavy metals, hydrogenated oils, preservatives, and other additives that do not belong in your body.

In fact, out of anything you routinely consume into your body, supplements may be the #1 worst “contamination” offender out there! (That has a bitter irony to it, as you are trying to HELP your health with supplements, not harm it!)

And yes, this can include the budget brands all the way up to the high-end brands that cost $100 per bottle or more.

Now, it really is just common sense that potentially toxic chemicals do not belong in our body.

And, unfortunately, the list of ingredients to watch out for in any vitamin B supplement — and any supplement at all — would be a mile long (which is why simply looking for USDA Certified Organic supplements is so important).

However, by way of example, here are…

6 Common Supplement Ingredients You Definitely Want to Avoid


Though various dyes have been linked to a range of health issues, they’re still allowed in and quite common in many supplements just to make them look pretty. Watch out for ingredients such as Red No. 40, Red No. 2, Blue No. 2, Yellow No. 5, and Yellow No. 6 on labels.


Now, while it is true that all plant foods have low levels of various heavy metals (metals such as arsenic, cadmium, and lead occur naturally in healthy soil), it is the high amount of heavy metals in some supplements that is very concerning.

Furthermore, some companies add the heavy metal, titanium dioxide, to supplements to boost the color, even though studies have shown titanium dioxide may be carcinogenic.


Hydrogenated oils are high in a dangerous fat – trans fats – and they’re quite common in supplements today. One of the most common is partially hydrogenated soybean oil (unless the soy is certified organic, chances are it’s also genetically modified, i.e. GMO).

Manufacturers don’t include hydrogenated oils for your health benefit, of course. They include them because they’re cheap fillers that boost their bottom line.


High-fructose corn syrup, sucralose, aspartame, maltodextrin, and more are all commonly found in supplements, and they’re all linked to a range of potential health issues. (Are people so “addicted” to the taste of sweet that the risks are worth it?)


This one is rather shocking but true. Magnesium silicate and its hydrous form, talc, can be found in many supplements to prevent caking and help the supplement keep its shape. However, these ingredients can lead to respiratory problems and more – plus, magnesium silicate can be contaminated with asbestos.


Pesticides and herbicides are not intentionally added to supplement formulations, of course. However, they are quite prevalent in various supplements, including those featuring plant-based ingredients that are not USDA Certified Organic. Why put glyphosate and other toxins into your body when you don’t need to?

Again, this is just the tip of the iceberg and there are many other ingredients and chemicals found in many supplements you want to be cautious of (polysorbate 80, sodium benzoate, magnesium stearate, and the list goes on.)

Some of these ingredients are added as profitable “short cuts” for manufacturers versus other safer ingredients that can do the job, such as cheap but unsafe binding agents that prevent vitamins from crumbling.

Others, such as pesticides, are contaminants that find their way into the formulas due to, for example, the low-grade production methods or ingredients used. And the biggest issue here?

One, the list of intentionally added ingredients to avoid really is quite long and hard to watch for and, two, you won’t even find the many unintentional contaminants like glyphosate and lead on supplement ingredient labels!

That’s why, BOTTOM LINE, it has become simply imperative today to choose vitamin B and other supplements that have been independently and completely verified as organic… that is, USDA Certified Organic!

PROBLEM #3 They KNOW Their Supplements May Be Harmful... So Many "Greenwash" You!

Whether you choose our revolutionary new USDA Certified Organic vitamin B complex (see below!) or any other brand, please make certain you do only choose USDA Certified Organic.

You see, with the increasing awareness of just how harmful many intentional and unintentional ingredients in supplements can be…

…Many supplement companies have turned to trying to “greenwash” people.

Instead of taking the full and less-profitable steps of providing you a truly and independently verified organic formula, “greenwashing” basically involves tricking people into believing it is.

For example…

You may see “contains organic ingredients” on a label — perhaps with the word “organic” in bold letters to draw your attention – but while it may contain some organic ingredients… it may also contain many synthetic and potentially toxic ingredients.

You may see “Non-GMO” on a label – and it’s a good thing it’s non-GMO – but it still may contain many non-GMO synthetic and potentially toxic ingredients! (FYI, among many other requirements, USDA Certified Organic means it must be non-GMO).

You may see “no artificial sweeteners” shouted out on a label… but it still may contain artificial colors, preservatives, or any number of other potentially toxic ingredients.

And then there are terms such as “clean” and “wild-crafted” and “natural” which are largely unregulated and total fluff marketing phrases.

In short, if it doesn’t show the USDA Certified Organic logo on the label (or the equivalent, such as ECOCert in Europe and other countries), there’s a reason.

The “golden keys” to remember are:

1 What you keep out of your body via supplements is just as important as what you put in via supplements today.

2 Don’t be “greenwashed” by supplement companies’ own self-promotion.

3 Look for verification — independent of the company itself — that a supplement is fully organic. In the U.S., the strictest such verification is USDA Certified Organic.



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