6 Ways To Heal Your Sacral Chakra

The second sacral chakra, or Swadhishthana, is the hub of our creativity. The Sacral Chakra is the center of sexuality, fertility, and an expression of one’s being. The orange wheel of energy lies two to three inches below the abdomen, associated with the Pelvic Floor region.
Symptoms of an Unbalanced Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra ist he sexual chakra that governs the lower extremities. When it’s overactive, overindulgence in sex can overpower the mind. When it’s underactive, it leads to little or no sex drive. When we are not finding contentment, we are not experiencing a sense of satisfaction. That leads to craving and sometimes overindulging in actions that don’t lead to true happiness. This can also lead to addiction.
When a sacral chakra is blocked, it leads to emotional instability, unhealthy detachment, depression, and sticking to old habits. On the flipside, if the chakra is overactive, the person can be self-absorbed, aggressive, or possessive. Stagnation in life, lack of creativity, and constant overthinking are clear signs our sacral chakra is imbalanced.
1) Use Crystals
For thousands of years, crystals have been used to heal the chakras. Different colors and sizes of crystals have different abilities and power. Each of these crystals is directed to activate certain energy center. The typical crystals associated with this chakra are Orange Calcite, Jasper, Orange Aventurine, Amber, and Snowflake Obsidian.
2) Practice Mudras
The Shakti Chalana Mudra can be used to stimulate and calm the pelvic region. This is also typically used as the mudra of Goddess Durga and offers strength to the body, releases tension from the pelvic region, and calms the muscles. You can use this mudra while meditating or simply do it throughout the day:
Instructions: Bring both the hands in front of you and push the tips of the ring and little finger together. Fold the index and middle finger with fingertips touching the base of the palm and the thumbs placed in between them. Touch the knuckles together. To get the most out of this mudra, practice it while meditating and feel the energy flow freely into your sacral area.
3) Creativity
Joining a creative hobby like painting, learning a musical instrument, etc. greatly activates the creative sacral chakra.
4) Beej Mantra
The Beej Mantra (sacred seed mantra) of the Sacral Chakra is ‘VAM’.
Instructions: During meditation, bring awareness to this energy center and chant ‘VAM’ three times followed by ‘OM’ three times. The process can be continued for a few minutes and then followed by regular meditation.
5) Practice Yoga
A daily yoga practice will benefit all the chakras, not just one. But there are specific postures that benefit certain chakras more than others. These poses are directly related to the sacral chakra: Virasana, Half Moon Pose, Goddess Pose, Half Monkey Pose, Wide-legged standing, Forward Bending Poses, Reclining Bound Angle Pose, and Warrior Pose.
6) Aromatherapy
Just like crystals, and yoga, essential oils can be used to overcome specific issues. For the sacral chakra, sandalwood, ylang-ylang tangerine oil, geranium oil, or mandarin oil work wonders. Just a few drops on a cloth or diffuser will do wonders!