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7 Foods That Can Fight Fat

If you're looking for foods that can help you lose weight, you aren't living in a fairy tale, they do actually exist.

Below, are a list of seven foods that can help fight fat, while helping you feel fuller at the same time.

1. Apples and Pears

Apples and pears both contain a large amount of water content and fiber, which help keep you full for a longer period of time. This is why it's important to opt in for the actual fruit, rather than the juice itself. You'll be chewing the fruit, which in turn, will help your body get more fiber, easing your hunger quicker.

Consuming fiber can help keep you full longer because it takes longer for your body to break down, rather than downing a fruit smoothie.

2. Potatoes

Potatoes only contain an average of 161 calories, making them the perfect food for dieters. Not to mention, they're three times as filling as white bread, which can help you manage your calorie intake more carefully.

3. Eggs

Eggs only contain 75 calories and seven grams of protein, with the help of other vital nutrients for your body. Not to mention, your body can actually burn more calories from eggs, than car-filled meals. However, if you have high cholesterol, make sure you get the okay from your doctors that you can consume eggs. They may suggest eating egg whites instead because they're cholesterol-free.

Eggs are also packed with protein, which can help fill you up more in the morning.

4. Green Tea

Many scientists agree green tea is great for weight loss. This tea encourages the body to burn fat. Green tea also contains catechins which briefly boosts your metabolism. To receive the biggest benefit from green tea, try drinking it multiple times a day.

5. Greek Yogurt

With almost two times as much protein as other yogurts, you cannot go wrong with Greek yogurt. Because of this, the yogurt takes longer to digest, which keeps you feeling satisfied for longer. Additionally, your body will burn more calories when digesting protein than when digesting carbs. This means, even more, fat fighting benefits.

Be sure to choose low-fat, nonfat, or sugar-free Greek yogurts.

6. Quinoa

Quinoa is more than just a trendy food. It is also extremely nutrition and great for fighting fat. Just one cup of quinoa contains five grams of fiber and 8 grams of protein, both of which help you to feel fuller faster. Plus, this whole grain also holds plenty of vitamin E, iron, zinc, and selenium. To make a meal of your quinoa, simply add in some mixed vegetables, nuts, or a lean protein like chicken.

7. Dark Chocolate

Yes, even chocolate can be good for weight loss (in moderation, of course). In fact, researchers at the University of Copenhagen found that people who munch on a piece of dark chocolate before a meal tend to eat less. This is because of compounds in chocolate that slow your digestion and leave you feeling more full. Additionally, one ounce of dark chocolate holds just 170 calories. Eating a small piece of dark chocolate can also get rid of any cravings you may be feeling for sweet, salty, and fatty foods.



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