Try These 5 Stress Relief Rituals
We're nearing week three in January, and did you know that by the end of this month on average 64% of people give up on whatever they deem their "resolution" is within 36 days?!
And I know just how stressful it can be to feel like you're "failing" at keeping a resolution or not meeting a goal. Especially when everyday stress can be a major reason people give up on their resolutions so quickly!
This is why I'm so fond of creating rituals to support a lifestyle over lofty resolutions that basically set you up to fail.
So, instead of encouraging you to maintain the course (although I want you to do what feels good to you, not stop reaching for a goal or an intention you've set for yourself), this message to you today is focused on reducing stress in your life.
Do you know that stress and anxiety are some of the topmost searched themes in Google searches right now?
As a society, we are so focused on always go-go-go that we often can easily become run down and a shell of ourselves.
Stress distracts us from reaching our ultimate goal, inner happiness, and peace.
Too much stress can:
Impact your hormones (including your sex life)
Interrupt your focus (increased overwhelm and distractions)
Damage your relationship with others
Physically make you ill by harming your immune system.
Decrease your satisfaction in life overall
Ritual #1:
Breath Work: Ujjayi Breath
This breathing exercise, also known as the "ocean breath", is used in yoga to help increase oxygenation, build self-awareness and become grounded.
When stress starts to mount. Pause, then start by breathing deeply through the nose filling your belly with air as it expands into your upper abdomen. Hold for four counts, then breathe out for four counts. Repeat 4 times.
Ritual #2:
Daily Meditation
Meditation has been practiced for centuries as a way to reduce stress and increase mental clarity.
Close your eyes and rather than focusing on your thoughts, bring your attention to your breath.
Ritual #3:
Practice Gratitude
Studies have shown that practicing gratitude lowers levels of aggression and can help combat depression. Expressing gratitude can be as easy as telling your partner, child or friend how much you appreciate them.
Create a ritual of writing out something you are grateful for each day and putting it in a jar before bed.
Ritual #4:
Recite an Affirmation
Affirmations are powerful tools that channel energy to our beliefs and our goals. They're statements that inspire change and positivity. By repeating them we begin to program our minds into believing and manifesting them.
Write an affirmation sticky note and say it out loud every morning while you get ready for the day.
Ritual #5:
Supplement for Digestive Distress Stress has a negative effect on your immune system and your digestion.
To support yourself during times of stress, I recommend eating nourishing foods and taking Digestive Enzymes to help you absorb important nutrients from your food to more fully nourish your body!
I hope you leave this message feeling more prepared to give yourself a little TLC. Remember Beauty, when times feel hard, those are the times to be the most gentle with yourself.
With big love and gratitude,