Exercises to Improve Power

Remember, choosing exercises specific to your needs and goals is essential. There are many exercises to help improve power. Here are a few.
Explosive Push-Up
Start in a push-up/plank starting position. With core engaged, slowly bend your arms at the elbows and lower themselves into a push-up. Explosively push off the floor with the intention of generating enough force to lift your torso up in the air and hands off the floor, in one fluid movement. Toes will remain on the floor throughout the entire movement. Ideally, as you come down, transition right into the next repetition.
Squat Jumps
Begin with feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower into a squat position and explode up off the floor, fully extending the ankles, knees, and hips. This should occur in one fluid motion. You should land under control and lightly on the ground in a squat position and explode back up for into the next rep, just like the explosive push-up.
Box Jumps
You should stand in a starting position with feet shoulder-width apart, facing the plyo box. Hinge at the hips and slowly lower yourselve into a squat position. Then explode up from the ground high enough to land on the plyo box. You should attempt to land lightly on the box in a partial squat. Step down off the box and reset yourselve before exploding up again.
Split Jumps
You will begin in a lunge position with their left foot forward. With one fluid explosive motion, you will jump up off the floor. Mid-air, you will alternate front and back knees so that they land with the right leg forward. A gentle landing is important. You will explode up again and continue to alternate front and back legs throughout the rest of the reps.
Medicine Ball Slams
The starting position for medicine ball slams is an athletic stance with feet about shoulder-width apart. You should hold the ball in a comfortable position around belly button height. The core should be engaged and shoulders pulled back. Slightly squat down and, in one fluid motion, press up through the heels and fully extend the ankles, knees, and hips. As you extend the legs, simultaneously lift the ball above the head. Using the entire body, in one explosive motion, slam the ball down to the ground in front of you. Immediately squat down (with proper squat form and a straight spine), pick up the ball and complete the next repetition.
Focus on Your Goals
Training on explosive movements may not be for everyone, but if power is the goal, there are many exercises to help you improve. Know and understand your goals so you can determine if explosive moves are right for you and what moves are best for your goals.