This Astonishing Smoothie Add-In Slashes LDL Cholesterol, Curbs Heartburn + Reverses Thinning Hair
If you’re like us, you’ve had “the talk” from your doctor cautioning that your LDL cholesterol is borderline high and advising...

Bodybuilding Nutrition: What to Eat for Bulking
Many athletes are looking to get on board with the “bulking” trend. Bulking involves gaining weight and overall muscle mass to support...

9 Easy Substitutes for Cilantro
If you’ve run out, found your bunch to be bad, or refuse to use it from the get-go, we’ve got you covered. Cilantro has its own tagline:...

Gluten Free Spices: Everything You Need To Know
Eating a healthy gluten free diet means eating lots of fresh whole foods, like high quality meats, fish, and eggs, vegetables and fruit,...

Roasted Balsamic Chicken with Baby Tomatoes
Prep Time: Cook Time: Additional Time: 10 mins 40 mins 4 hrs Total Time: ...

Beef Birria Queso Tacos with Consomé
Prep Time: Cook Time: Total Time: 20 mins 40 mins 1 hr Servings: Yield: 4 ...

The Benefits and Uses of Mullein
In this busy world we live in, who can afford to be sidelined by an illness? If you’re facing an infection in your respiratory system,...

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Coffee Every Day
The incredible actor Hugh Jackman once said: "The smell of fresh-made coffee is one of the world's greatest inventions." Oh, do you...

High Oxalate Greens and Kidney Stones
Given their oxalate content, how much is too much spinach, chard, beet greens, chaga mushroom powder, almonds, cashews, star fruit, and...

Vitamin B12: Navigating this Nutrient on a Plant-based Journey
In this blog, we'll break down misconceptions and provide a clear understanding of how vitamin B12 fits perfectly into a plant-based way...