The Role of Sleep in Weight Loss: How Prioritizing Sleep Can Improve Your Results
When it comes to achieving your weight loss goals, you might be surprised to learn that getting a good night’s sleep is just as important...

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Spicy Food
Hot sauce may just become your new favorite condiment, especially when you want to take care of your heart. From Buffalo chicken to...

How Hot Peppers May Extend Your Life
Spice can hack your brain by making foods taste saltier. Four out of four studies on spicy food and mortality found a significant...

How to Stop Your Mouth from Burning When You Eat Spicy Food
We've all lived through it: Thinking you can take the heat of a spicy dish and then realizing, to your horror and your friends'...

What Is Choline, and Can Vegans Get Enough?
SUMMARY The nutrient choline is essential for human health. But most people understand very little about this crucial compound. In this...

The 9 Best High-Fiber Vegetables You Should Be Eating, According to a Dietitian
You know veggies are good for you. And you probably have to eat more of them. According to the Centers for Disease Control and...

Raw is Not Always Better—These 4 Vegetables are Healthier When Cooked
"Eat your veggies," they say, and the more the merrier. U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend at least 2½ cups (about three servings) per...

16 Best Fruits and Vegetables For Gut Health, According to RDs
Gut health is certainly a wellness buzzword, but what is it? And how much control do you have over your own gut health? “The gut refers...

More Frozen Fruit Recalled Because of Possible Listeria Monocytogenes Contamination
Townsend Farms Inc. Voluntarily Recalling Specific Frozen Fruit Products Because of Possible Listeria monocytogenes Contamination Company...

A Test for Orthorexia Nervosa?
“Orthorexia nervosa is defined as an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy food.” Want to know if you’re orthorexic? “The ORTO-15 is...