Best Nutrition Tips to Jump-Start Your New Year
Getting healthy and losing weight doesn't just happen once a year. Striving to be healthy should be something that lasts a lifetime....

World’s Most Dangerous Exercises! (UPRIGHT ROWS)
Years back I threw the upright row exercise into my 5 worst exercises of all time, and buried it in my iron graveyard. Today, I’m...

11 Things Better than Drugs or Supplements for Healing
Natural medicine doesn't just involve "nutraceuticals," but extends to modalities like yoga and acupuncture that an increasing body of...

Which supplements or foods can help lower cholesterol and keep my heart healthy?
Heart disease remains the leading cause of death for both women and men in the U.S. Some supplements may help keep your heart healthy,...

The Importance of Meal Planning for Holidays & How to Do It
Meal planning is a great way to maximize your time and budget. It also gives you greater control over your diet and helps you make...

How to Maintain Long-Term Weight Loss & Avoid Weight Regain
Your worked your way to a healthy weight, now you want to keep it off. Long-term weight loss—which is weight loss that is sustained for...

Top 12 Health & Anti-Aging Benefits of Rosehips
Rosehips are small, amazing “fruits” with incredible health benefits that few people know about. They come from the same plant as the...

The Power of Peppermint: 15 Health Benefits Revealed
A favorite herbal medicine of the ancients, peppermint leaves have been found in Egyptian pyramids dating back to 1,000 BC. Modern...

Prunes & Plums: Are They Good for You?
Sometime in the late 18th century, in an English home on Christmas Eve, a small boy has left the dinner table, taking the dessert with...

For The Love of Organics: Brussels Sprouts
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, when it comes to Brussels sprouts it seems there’s no in-between. One study found that our strong feelings about...