How Consuming Beets Can Help Improve Blood Pressure, Digestion, and Brain Function
When it comes to making simple additions to your diet that yield big health benefits, beets just can’t be, well, beat. They’re delicious...
What Is CoQ10 & Can You Get it From Food?
SUMMARY If you believe the hype, CoQ10 is a wonder supplement that can do everything from helping athletes recover faster to giving tired...
Magic Mushrooms (No, not that kind!)
Six powerful mushrooms for health Neither plant nor animal, belonging to a scientific kingdom all their own (Kingdom Fungi), mushrooms...
The Link Between Chicken Consumption and Urinary Tract Infections
Only about one in four people have heard of Campylobacter, compared to 90 percent who are familiar with Salmonella. “Although the...
How to Handle Raw Poultry
Poultry is the most common cause of serious food-poisoning outbreaks, followed by fish, then beef. But aren’t people more likely to order...
10 Worst Palm Oil Foods
FOOD CAN BE DELICIOUS WITHOUT ADDED FATS, SUCH AS PALM OIL. Palm oil is very deceiving - foods made with palm oil mislead us with front...
Lab-grown Meat Has Officially Received the FDA's Safety Stamp of Approval
Coming soon to your grocery store, lab-grown meat has officially received the FDA's safety stamp of approval FDA Completes First...
Is Your Tap Water Safe to Drink? Here’s How to Find Out
Access to clean, safe drinking water is essential to our survival and well-being — but the water that flows through the pipes in our...
PFAS Found in Tampons
More disturbing evidence of the presence of toxic “forever” chemicals in common consumer products. Action Alert! A new report has found...
70 Foods That Get Sprayed With Weed Killer
Glyphosate What is it? It’s the active ingredient in most weed killers. It can’t be washed off. Once sprayed on food it becomes part of...