5 Natural, Easy Ways To Block Gout Flare-Ups (and Feel Better Fast)
If you suffer from gout, you know that flare-ups are uncomfortable and distressing. Symptoms like sudden pain, inflammation, and...

Is A Leaky Gut Compromising Your Health?
The last couple of years has forced us to take a look at our collective state of health, and it didn’t look so good. But if anything...

Aldosterone, Salt & Adrenal Fatigue
If you’re gaining weight, feeling dizzy when you stand up, craving salt or not falling asleep even though you’re tired, you may be...

Ab Exercises Ranked (BEST TO WORST!)
There are many different ab exercises, but which are the best of the best and which exercises for abs should you avoid? I’m breaking down...

IT Band Exercises to Prevent and Correct IT Band Syndrome
The iliotibial (IT) band is an important but also problematic piece of connective tissue in the body. IT band syndrome is a common cause...

Try These Exercises to Correct Shin Splints
Consistency is a key to success when it comes to exercise and fitness goals, however, there is a limit to what the body can recover from....

Common Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth—and How to Fight the Fungus
Though not your typical dinner party topic, the Candida fungus is stirring up lots of conversation in the world of gut health. What’s the...

To Prevent Dementia, Avoid These Foods
Dementia, a broad term for memory loss, trouble problem-solving, muted thinking abilities, and limited social skills, is a diagnosis no...

NAG: One of the Good Sugars
Sugar is pretty interesting stuff. It’s also misunderstood. For one thing, we all love how “sugar” tastes, but we don’t necessarily love...

Does the Sweetener Allulose Have Side Effects?
First, there was sugar and high fructose corn syrup, the original industrial sweeteners. They were cheap, but had lots of empty calories,...