How to Release Tight Quads in 2 Simple Steps
The quadriceps make it possible to perform many different lower-body movements. We use this muscle group to help us walk, run, and jump...

7 Bad Fitness Tips You Can Feel Free To Ignore
New year, new dizzying streams of fitness counsel. “Now that it’s January, a lot of people who may not have prior knowledge are getting...

Highest Antioxidant Foods on Earth
Antioxidants are a must in your diet if you want to age in a healthy way. Their well-documented health benefits include slowing the...

Cabbage Leaf Wraps for Arthritic Knees
Unbelievably, a randomized controlled trial of cabbage leaf wraps for arthritis was published. In a section of the British Medical...

Is Ginger Beneficial in a Diabetic Diet?
n a case report of the “Successful management of type 2 diabetes with [a] lifestyle intervention,” a 45-year-old fellow took...

Why is Fat in Your Diet Important?
Dietary fat got an unfair and negative reputation during the low-fat, fat-free diet craze years ago. For people who lived through it,...

Pregnenolone: Mother of Steroid Hormones
Pregnenolone, anonymous and unheralded as it may be, is the Mother of all steroid hormones. It is derived from cholesterol. From there...

Is Aloe Effective for Blood Pressure, Inflammatory Bowel, Wound Healing, and Burns?
I discuss the risks and benefits of aloe vera. “Aloe vera is one of the most popular home remedies in use today, yet most physicians know...

Most Comprehensive Study to Date: Omega-3 Reduces Heart Risks
The most in-depth analysis to date confirms the importance of omega-3 fats for heart health. If fatty fish is not a regular part of your...

Slow Cooker Green Chile Chicken
Wholesome version of chicken chile made in a slow cooker! Slow cooker green chile chicken is hearty with tomatillos and a hint of spice....