No Matter Your Health Goal, Mushroom Supplements Can Help!
Discover six must-have mushrooms and reclaim your health All over the world, mushrooms are beloved, treasured, and integrated into daily...

Drink This Pineapple-Wheatgrass Shot for an Anti-Inflammatory Boost
Made from the freshly sprouted leaves of Triticum aestivum , wheatgrass is known for its nutrient-dense and powerful antioxidant...

How to Manage Weight Loss Plateaus
Weight loss plateaus can be frustrating and demotivating, but they are a common part of the weight loss journey. It’s important to...

Health Benefits of Saunas
Saunas, rooms where the temperature is set at approximately 70 degrees to 100 degrees Celsius (158 degrees to 212 degrees Fahrenheit),...

Benefits of Iron and Iron-Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet
You probably hear a lot about the macronutrients — protein, fat, and carbs — but it's also important to make sure you're covering your...

Endurance Athlete Diet: What to Eat for Optimal Performance
Whether you're an endurance athlete or just want to improve your ability to exercise longer, knowing about basic nutrition is the first...

Flexibility Training for Runners: How Much Is Too Much?
Flexibility training is too often overlooked. It's an easy part of a workout to skip when you're pressed for time. Flexibility is...

Why Strength Training for Runners Matters
Strength workouts are bread-and-butter for some athletes, but others balk at the idea of spending time in the gym. File many runners...

Almost 10 Million Pounds of Recalled Chicken & Beef Found In Products at Trader Joe's, Aldi and More
The meat and poultry products were distributed to restaurants and grocery stores across the nation. BrucePac has recalled over nine...

Can You Substitute Salted for Unsalted Butter?
When you’re shopping for ingredients for a recipe, it’s easy to wonder if using unsalted or salted butter really makes all that much of a...