Testing for Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Many doctors mistakenly rely on serum B12 levels in the blood to test for vitamin B12 deficiency. There were two cases of young,...

Creatine to Normalize Homocysteine in Vegetarians?
What are the consequences of having to make your creatine rather than relying on dietary sources? “Almost universally, research findings...

What About Homocysteine, Vitamin B12, and Vegetarians’ Stroke Risk?
Not taking vitamin B12 supplements or regularly eating B12-fortified foods may explain the higher stroke risk found among vegetarians....

What About Animal Protein and Vegetarians’ Stroke Risk?
Might animal protein-induced increases in the cancer-promoting growth hormone IGF-1 help promote brain artery integrity? In 2014, a...

How to Eat Pumpkin Seeds the Right Way, According to Chefs
Whether you just carved a pumpkin or have a bag of pepitas from the market, you may be wondering what to do with these popular seeds....

Figs: Are They Good for You and the Planet?
Have you ever had an experience where you thought you knew someone well, and then they turned around and totally surprised you? Like, the...

6 Reasons Why Sprouted Grains are the Future of Healthy Eating
Whole grains are an important staple of our modern diet. Not only do they provide a hefty dose of dietary fiber, but they’re also rich in...

11 Things Better than Drugs or Supplements for Healing
Natural medicine doesn't just involve "nutraceuticals," but extends to modalities like yoga and acupuncture that an increasing body of...

Ketogenic Diet - Pharmacist Ben Fuchs - Moment of Truth
While the ketogenic diet may seem like a fad, it is actually a tried-and-true eating protocol. It's been scientifically validated for...

GIP and Insulin Sensitivity: A Powerful Duo for Weight Management
Introduction to GIP and Insulin Sensitivity In the ever-evolving landscape of weight management, scientific advances continue to shed...