Greek Lemon Chicken and Potatoes
This Greek lemon chicken dish with garlic and herb roast potatoes is a classic recipe and easy to cook in one roasting pan. The lemony...
Tandoori Chicken
Active Time: Marinate Time: Total Time: 35 mins 5 hrs 6 hrs Servings: 4...
16 Plants That Repel Bugs and Mosquitoes Naturally
Adding a little rosemary to your patio tells mosquitoes, "You're not invited!" Learn about more plants our experts use to deter outdoor...
Why You Should Add Tea to Your Daily Health Routine
What comes to mind when you think about a cup of tea? Tea is often portrayed as a beverage of comfort and calm in our favorite books, TV...
How Much Added Sugar Is Okay?
Public health authorities continue to lower the upper tolerable limit of daily added sugar intake. Dating back to the original “Dietary...
Artificial Sweeteners Linked to Stroke Risk: 4 Natural Alternatives That Won't Poison You
As concerns mount over the potential health risks of artificial sweeteners, a new systematic review has revealed a disturbing link...
14 Impressive Benefits Of Fennel
The health benefits of fennel are many and may include relief from anemia, indigestion, flatulence, constipation, colic, diarrhea,...
Bang Bang Deviled Eggs
A combination of kewpie mayonnaise, sweet Thai chili sauce, Sriracha, and rice vinegar takes classic deviled eggs to new heights. Prep...
Sweet Potatoes vs. Yams vs. White Potatoes
Some people call them “yams” and others call them “sweet potatoes”. Is there a difference? And how do they compare with regular white...
Cow Milk vs. Goat Milk vs. Sheep Milk—Which is Healthier?
Cow’s milk has been around for thousands of years, but many people either have a lactose intolerance, dairy allergy, or may be following...