Vinegar Facts: What is It — And How to Use it for Your Health
SUMMARY You probably have a bottle or two of vinegar somewhere in your home, either for cooking or cleaning. And some people are using it...

Is It Safe to Consume Cannabis Edibles?
What do we need to know about the safety of marijuana edibles? You may recall from my video Smoking Marijuana vs. Using a Cannabis...

Can A Gluten Free Diet Increase Your Risk Of Toxic Metal Exposure?
Toxic metals can have serious detrimental effects on health, and research has suggested that those who follow a gluten free diet have a...

The Angioplasty Debacle
With heart disease you face the biggest of all the medical businesses. In 2001, in the United States, more than one million coronary...

Why Sunlight Deficiency is as Deadly as Smoking
A groundbreaking study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine has revealed something absolutely amazing about the role of the Sun...

Spontaneous Regression of Cancer with Fasting
In 2015, a remarkable case report was published in which a woman with stage 3 follicular lymphoma underwent a medically supervised,...

Yoga for Upper Body Strength - Get Strong Without Lifting
Yoga for upper body strength–can yoga really build muscle? Isn’t it better to lift? Yoga has a lot of benefits, for both mental and...

Once Weekly Yoga Practice Clinically Shown to Reduce Anxiety
If current events are generating increased feelings of anxiety for you, research shows that yoga may be all you need to restore balance...

9 Foods That Can Help Ease Anxiety
Whether you deal with situational anxiety or suffer from an anxiety disorder, adding these eats to your diet can help better your brain...

The 6 Healthiest Beverages You Should Be Drinking Now
Choosing healthy food is important if you want to feel great and stay well, but equally as important is choosing the healthiest...