Is Your Coffee Toxic or Healthy?
We sure love coffee! Over 50 percent of North Americans consume coffee every day. Coffee has even been named as the poorly-nourished...
How to Prevent Muscle Loss While Taking Weight Loss Drugs
Weight loss drugs work in a variety of ways. Some lower body weight by increasing the excretion of glucose in the urine. These are...
Fasted Cardio: Is It Better for Weight Loss?
As a personal trainer, I am considered the go-to expert for reliable advice on anything related to fitness and nutrition. How do I get...
7 Best Quad Exercises for Boosting Leg Strength & Size
Leg day. Either you love it, or you hate it. Not many people fall somewhere in between. No matter how you feel about working your...
How To Deadlift: Benefits, Technique, Variations
The deadlift is an integral, yet often missing component of a strength-building program. That’s not to say that everyone should be...
Can you wash pesticides off your food? A guide to eating fewer toxic chemicals
There are some simple steps you can take to minimize the amount of pesticides on your fruits and vegetables To avoid pesticides, consider...
You might be making this one mistake with your smoothie
Smoothies can be a tasty and convenient way to get the important fruits and vegetables you need for a healthy diet. But is a banana and...
The Problem with Tomatoes (There’s good and bad)
Tomatoes are considered a health food in most circles; known for having rich supplies of anti-oxidants like lycopene, beta-carotene,...
Rosemary: Benefits for brain health, pain, cancer, inflammation, and more
I’ve shown you in previous articles how herbs and spices most times contain a LOT more antioxidants than fruits or vegetables do… and...
How to Eat Safe, Healthy Salmon + One-Pan Salmon Dinner for Two Recipe
An honest look at the actual difference between wild and farmed salmon, the benefits of this popular dish and how to cook it to...